Part 21:Well, I will be happy one more day.

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 Everyone was a little surprised, but they quickly reacted. He was embarrassed by Yan Qingchi in public, and he was ashamed and angry, and couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing this, Yu Xihe couldn't help but look at Jiang Mochen, and saw Jiang Mochen frowning.

Jiang Mochen looked at Liao Sibo's back and his anger continued to rise. He wanted to chase Liao Sibo to solve tonight's affairs, but he was worried that Yan Qingchi would not know anyone else. After he walked like this, he was out during this period of time. , Yan Qingchi wondered if it would be embarrassing.

"Mo Chen." Sun Xun called him, raised his eyes and looked at the door, seeming to be asking about his attitude.

"Let him go." Jiang Mochen said coldly, "If he has never learned to respect and speak well, he won't use it in the future."

He has always been mild-tempered and has a somewhat irrelevant indifference to most things. At this moment, because Yan Qingchi said such cold words, Yu Xihe and Ren Xu could not help but exchange a glance, secretly, it seems that although the marriage was hurried, it has not only legal benefits but also emotional benefits. At least Jiang Mochen himself was willing to protect him.

"Okay, okay," Ren Xu said to complete the game. "The annoying guy has gone, let's not get angry for him. It's the first time for my sister-in-law to see us. Come, let's have a drink together If it is for him to make amends for his sister-in-law, don't be angry, sister-in-law."

"That's right, the good night doesn't make sense to sweep the mood for a few people." Yu Xihe said and gave Sun Xun a wink, and Sun Xun quickly Go and get a wine glass.

Yan Qingchi had always been a character who couldn't handle it, smiled, picked up their wine, and had a drink with them.

This matter is just revealed.

When everyone was almost playing, Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi also planned to leave. They both drank and couldn't drive. Jiang Mochen was also a public figure, so he simply called his assistant over.

In the quiet carriage, Yan Qingchi sat by the window, opened the window slightly in the dark, watching the wind blowing outside the window.

Jiang Mochen looked at him quietly.

After arriving at the destination, the assistant spoke a few words with Jiang Mochen and left.

Yan Qingchi was a little sleepy. He stretched out his hand to push the car door and was about to get out of the car, but suddenly heard Jiang Mochen say, "I'm sorry."

Yan Qingchi looked back at him and saw Jiang Mochen look serious, "Today's matter, Liao Sibo is my friend. , But embarrassed you in public, I'm sorry."

Yan Qingchi did not expect that he would apologize to himself so seriously. He thought that the incident had passed, and after he slapped Liao Sibo and asked him to apologize, it passed. Unexpectedly, Jiang Mochen still cared.

Is this matter related to Jiang Mochen? Of course there is. It was his friend, but he directly verbalized against him. He did not restrain his friend. Of course he was at fault. However, there is only something wrong. The mouth is on Liao Sibo, even if he has promised Jiang Mochen recklessly that he will definitely conflict with himself, who can guarantee that he will not suddenly change his mind and openly insult him?

In the final analysis, Liao Sibo's ambiguity is only because he is not Yuan Mingxu, has nothing to do with Jiang Mochen, and has nothing to do with him. Today, if anyone who is not Yuan Mingxu appears next to Jiang Mochen, this will happen. Therefore, there is no need to bother about it.

Yan Qingchi is not a person who cares about these aspects very much. For him, whoever is sorry for him, he only needs to teach him back. He has the ability to solve problems, so there is no need to continue to waste time on such things that have been solved. energy.

He smiled, "So, you just kept staring at me because of this?"

"Of course not." Jiang Mochen retorted habitually.

He looked at Yan Qingchi, wondering why the other party asked this suddenly, and remembered that he had actually stared at him for a long time. He was a little embarrassed for a while, but because of what he was concerned about, he could only continue to say seriously, "Both Liao Sibo and I are responsible for today's affairs. There will be no next time, I assure you."

"Okay." Yan Qingchi said simply.

Jiang Mochen was a little confused, "Aren't you angry?"

"Of course anger is anger, but I also taught him a lesson, and he also apologized to me. Once you come back, the matter will be over."

"You have a good mentality."

"Otherwise?" Yan Qingchi Look at him, "Are you going to be angry all the time and ask you what's the matter with your friend? Do you want me to be like this?"

"I hope you really don't get angry anymore, not because you care about me, so perfunct me."

Yan Qingchi For some unknown reason, heard a gentle touch from these words.

He thought for a while, and asked: "So, you really don't want to make me angry, do you want me to be a little happy?"


" Why don't it be like this, you promise me one thing, I will completely Forget about this. When I see your friends next time, I will see them for the first time."

"What's the matter?"

"Tomorrow, go to the playground with me and Chess." Yan Qingchi said cheerfully.

Jiang Mochen was taken aback for a while, and for a long time, he actually laughed, "That's it?"

"That's it."

Jiang Mochen looked at him, for some reason, he felt like he wanted to laugh. He thought that Yan Qingchi would make a request related to himself or money, but he did not expect that he would go to the playground with Qiqi. He thought for a while, it seemed that he had never taken Chess to a park, amusement park or the like.

He has not adopted Chess for a long time, and his work is busy. Most of the time, Aunt Zhang and his parents are taking it. He only watched TV with him occasionally after going home, and even talked because he didn't like to talk. In many cases, he just looked at him, expressed his concern, and left.

But now, Yan Qingchi offered to take him to the playground.

Jiang Mochen was a little ashamed, but he was a little happy for some reason.

He turned his head to look at Yan Qingchi, who was also looking at him. In the quiet carriage, he sat quietly, under the not very bright light, like a very charming picture scroll, covered with a hazy, mysterious and attractive.

"You are interested in Chess," he said softly.

"Chess is still young, just kids. As dads, we naturally have to pay more attention." "You are right." He said, "So I promise you."

"Then I will thank you for Chess." Yan Qingchi smiled, "I will tell Chess about tomorrow. No, then, don't we have to go the day after tomorrow?"

Jiang Mochen heard the words, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

"Then the day after tomorrow, in this way, you can tell Qiqi tomorrow, and Qiqi can have another day of fun."

"How about you, are you happy one day?" Jiang Mochen turned his head and asked him.

Yan Qingchi wanted to say that I am such a big person, how could I be happy about this kind of thing, but when he looked at his gentle inquiring eyes, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Well, I will be happy one more day." He bent his eyes, and as expected, he saw Jiang Mochen with a smile on his face.

"Let's go." Jiang Mochen opened the car door, "it's a bit late, it's time to go home."

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