Part 7: Bonding

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Yan Qingchi looked up at him, smiled at him, blinked, and then looked down at his chess piece.

Chess also bowed his head.

Then, he saw that Yan Qingchi pushed the bottom marble. His second two rows were the same as chess. He watched chess but saw that he changed one position, and then the third row from the bottom. The marble has a jumping position. He watched Yan Qingchi jump step by step, and finally jumped directly to the opposite side.

He looked at him with a little surprise, and saw Yan Qingchi smile gently and proceed with the movements in his hands methodically.

Soon, the colors of the chess pieces on both sides reversed and turned into a triangle again.

Yan Qingchi put down the last marble and said briskly, "I won."

Chess looked at him, his eyes kept unblinking, for a long time, he lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes were like small hooks. Looking at the pawn on the chessboard, he slowly picked up one and put it down.

Yan Qingchi discovered that he was learning the jumping technique he had just done. His memory was very good. He quickly corrected his previous mistakes and jumped the third row from the bottom out of his grid. He seemed a little proud, and raised his head with a little cunning. He glanced at Yan Qingchi, Yan Qingchi stretched out his hand and applauded him, "Smart."

Chess bit his lip lightly, and continued his steps, but he didn't take long as he was jumping to the middle. At that time, he found that he couldn't jump over.

His teeth increased a bit harder, biting his lower lip a little white, Yan Qingchi was about to let him relax, and he saw that he retracted his teeth and bulged his cheeks, puffed up but calmly flicked. Bead returned to its place. He raised his head without speaking, but looked at Yan Qingchi.

Yan Qingchi was almost amused by him, so he lowered his head and showed him again.

The chess was memorized, and after he finished jumping, he started to learn to jump again, but he was still young after all. Although he saw the process of solving the problem with the standard answer, he always missed the steps. Every time he forgot or If he made a mistake, he placed the chess pieces again, then looked at Yan Qingchi and motioned for him to do it again.

Yan Qingchi watched him come back again and again, but he was a little stunned, thinking that the child in front of him was much better than he thought.

He thought that chess was just smart, but now it seems that it is not just smart. He is much more calm and self-disciplined than ordinary children. He can be so arrogant and irritable at a young age, and he can return to his place over and over again without too much trouble. Yan Qingchi feels that this child is much calmer than when he was a child. .

The chess was played almost five times before finally succeeding.

He looked at the upside-down chess pieces on the chessboard, and looked at Yan Qingchi with some pride.

Yan Qingchi applauded him without hesitation, and praised him, "You are really amazing."

Chess seemed to be a little shy, smiling slightly and not talking.

Yan Qingchi looked at him with his head supported, his eyes were smiling, and he said gently, "Are you called Chess because you are good at playing checkers?"

Chess shook his head.

"Then why is it called Chess?"

Chess thought for a while, "It's called Chess."

He looked at Yan Qingchi and said seriously: "I am Chess, so I am called Chess."

Yan Qingchi It's been a long time since I heard such a childish answer. With the soft and sweet voice of chess, he only thought it was extraordinarily cute. He pretended to say, "So that's the way it is."

Qiqi nodded.

Yan Qingchi asked him, "Can I play checkers with you?"

Chess thought for a while, then nodded.

Yan Qingchi looked at the chessboard, "I am red, you are green, whoever of us walks to the other's color and arranges it, wins."

Chess still just nodded.

"You first." Yan Qingchi said.

Chess starts to jump according to the previous jumping method.

When Yan Qingchi saw that he was still jumping according to the previous jumping method, he almost didn't laugh. He resisted, and even handed Qiqi the steps very cooperatively, watching the chess jump all the way, attacking the city and occupying his territory. .

Chess doesn't have any playmates on weekdays. This is the first time someone has played with him for so long. He has won, so he is very happy, and his tone of voice can't be concealed. "I won."

"Well, you win ." Now, chess is very powerful."

Hearing this, Qiqi smiled with his eyes bent.

Yan Qingchi reached out and poked his Bai Nen side face, "But I should win the next one."

Chess didn't believe it.

Yan Qingchi placed the chess pieces and still let him go first. Then, when he jumped to the penultimate row, Yan Qingchi looked up at him, blinked slightly, "I'm optimistic."

Chess lowered his head and found out He jumped differently than before.

There is no doubt that in this round, Yan Qingchi won a big victory.

Chess looked at him puzzledly, as if he couldn't understand how he could still play like this.

Yan Qingchi rubbed his head, "Come on, I'll teach you."

When Jiang Mochen finished his work and thought of Yan Qingchi, he opened the door and saw this scene.

Two people didn't speak much, sitting on the carpet, playing checkers step by step. At the end, it seemed that the chess had won. He put the marbles, raised his face, and a pair of bright eyes waiting for the opponent's praise.

Yan Qingchi praised very cooperatively, "Chess is really amazing, You learned it so quickly."

Chess had fun, and he asked, "Are there any more?"

He said this without beginning and end, but Yan Qing Chi understood what he meant, "Yes, but you have learned two methods today, so wait for the next time you learn."

The joy on Chess's face disappeared, the light in his eyes It's all a little bleak.

Seeing his depression, Yan Qingchi reached out and poked his face, "Are you painting before we eat?" He said, "I teach you painting?"

Chess was a little surprised, "You teach What shall I draw?"

"What do you want to draw?"

Chess pouted for a moment , "Puppy."


He got up and stood up, reached out and pulled the chess, and the chess turned. When he saw Jiang Mochen, he was taken aback for a moment, blinked slightly, and shouted, "Dad."

Jiang Mochen was called by him, so he had to walk in, "Are you ready to draw?"

Qiqi nodded.

Yan Qingchi looked back at him, "Are you going to paint together?"

Jiang Mochen didn't expect that he would invite himself. He opened his mouth and wanted to refuse, but the chess kept staring at him. He wanted to get closer to this kid, so he would have When he reached his throat, he swallowed, and said, "Okay."

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