Part 36

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 Liao Sibo was choked by this sentence, but he didn't intend to quarrel with him, so he could only say, "Take a step to speak."

Seeing his face serious, Jiang Mochen thought that he had been hanging him for so long, and it was time to make it clear, so he stood. He got up and led him to the parking lot not far away.


Mochen drove his nanny car and got in, "Let's talk, what are you doing?" Liao Sibo also sat in, closed the door, and asked him, "Jiang Mochen, are you really planning to break my relationship with me? You won't answer even if you call or send WeChat. Do you really want to abandon our childhood friendship for a man?"

Jiang Mochen sneered, "Do you remember that we grew up when we were young? , I thought you thought you and Yuan

Mingxu grew up when you were young." "What do you mean by this?" Liao Sibo was a little panicked.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Mochen asked him back, "Before I saw Yan Qingchi, did I tell you that this is my spouse. Please be polite when you meet. As a result, you directly attacked on the spot. It's hard to hear anything. , Liao Sibo, you are 28 this year, not 8 years old. Don't you know the consequences of what you said? That is, he has a strong personality, and he is weaker. You said that on the spot. It is estimated that he will leave immediately and stay stuck.

Ca n't go on." "But didn't I apologize to him?"

"You apologize because he won you. You can't help it. If he didn't beat you, or if he didn't play pool with you, would you still apologize to him? "

Liao Sibo did not speak.

Jiang Mochen snorted coldly, "So, your apology is only because you lost. It's not because you realize that what you say is hurting others, and it's not because you realize that you, as my friend, shouldn't I can't say that to my partner. You just have to because you lost."

Liao Sibo gritted his teeth and looked up at him, "Yes, what you said is right. But why should I apologize to him? If I like him, can't I just dislike him? I didn't like anyone who disliked him before, and you didn't turn my face with me about it. How come you are special here."

"Can that be the same! He and I have a testimony, did other people have a testimony with me!"

"The question arises here. He is like everyone else. He is not a person in our circle himself, and is stranger to us , It's just because you drew the testimony with him, but you just drew the testimony, and you don't like him, so why defend him like this."

"Liao Sibo, are you stupid?" Jiang Mochen really doesn't understand his brain circuit , A rare swear word, "Is the marriage certificate casual? Now that we got the certificate, we are husband and wife. Don't you know what a husband and wife mean? Others scold your mom in front of your dad. Did he leave with sound limbs? Don't say anything. Your father and your mother are childhood sweethearts. We have no feelings. We are both the same. We obtained certificates from the Civil Affairs Bureau. "

Liao Sibo was taken aback for a while, without speaking.

"You said so much that day, just because you think he is not Yuan Mingxu, think I shouldn't marry him, think I once liked Yuan Mingxu, so I should marry Yuan Mingxu, right?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course ? No." Jiang Mochen said coldly, "No feelings are necessary. I have liked him, hinted at him, and even expressed him, but he did not accept it. He liked Zhou Yixing, and he even gave up on Zhou Yixing to introduce him to him. He went directly abroad. Then why should I stay where I was and wait for him to come back?"

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