Part 26: Yuan Mingxu

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"I heard Sibo said that you are married?" Yuan Mingxu asked.


"Why so suddenly, you didn't tell me, I didn't give you any money."

"We haven't had a wedding yet, and everyone doesn't have any money. You can wait until the wedding.

" Oh." Yuan Mingxu replied.

Both were silent for a while.

"Speaking of which, who is your marriage partner?"

"You don't know it, it was given by my family when I was a child."

"A baby kiss? You will even order a baby kiss?"

Jiang Mochen was silent and asked, "You still Is something wrong?"

Yuan Mingxu was stunned and said, "I am, I'm just a little curious."

"There is nothing to be curious about, you don't know. When you come back, when everyone meets, you will know "

"What kind of person is the other party?"

"Very good person."

"Really, congratulations."

"Thank you."

Yuan Mingxu was silent again, he didn't know what to say, he Holding the mobile phone, he said slowly, "Actually, it's okay to get married. After all, no one has a family, it's just," he lowered his eyes, "I feel like I may be unable to hold on anymore, I may, in this life No one belongs to his own home anymore."

Jiang Mochen thought his words were a bit ridiculous and a bit boring, he thought, what good is it for you to tell me this?

"Yuan Mingxu, I still have something to do. If you have nothing else, I will hang up first."

He finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

Only Yuan Mingxu was left, holding the phone in a somewhat unbelievable way, Jiang Mochen actually hung up his phone, and Jiang Mochen, who had always been gentle with him, actually hung up his phone! Yuan Mingxu couldn't believe it. He looked at the phone and suddenly became flustered.

Jiang Mochen hung up the phone and lowered his head. He blinked and sighed softly.

It was at the stall where he sighed, and he suddenly felt that his side face was frozen. He turned his head back conditionedly. Before he got angry, he saw Yan Qingchi standing behind the bench, handing Coke with crooked eyes. He came over and said, "Here, please drink Coke."

Just as he said that he would not hit the smiley person with his hand, Jiang Mochen had no choice but to take it and said, "You are like five years old, as old as Chess, and you still play this, Chess. No play."

Qiqi heard his name and raised his head and asked him, "What to play?"

Yan Qingchi iced the small cup of juice on his face. Qiqi shrank and retreated, but he felt cold again. It was cold and comfortable, so he giggled.

"Look, Chess are not too ice, you still hate it. Uncle Jiang, are you 50 years old? Do you need to soak longan and wolfberry health tea in a thermos cup?"

Jiang Mochen can accurately answer him every time. I feel very curious about his skills, "Are you on the debate team before? I think you have a good eloquence. You can either change your career and say talk show, it's definitely more popular than you are now."

"It depends on you, boss, wait two. Today, I have signed a contract with Nancheng, and the route planning cannot be determined by the company. If you decide to let me talk about the talk show, I can only listen to you."

"You still know that I am your boss, I see you No fear of me at all."

"What do you want me to be afraid of you? I see you every day like the dean of teaching?"

"It's not impossible."

"But teaching the dean and students to drive is illegal."

Jiang Mochen took a sip of Coke Almost squirted out, "The child is still here, please be careful when you speak, and hit the road when you say it."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "You don't understand these meanings in Chess, just don't think about it."

Jiang Mochen didn't say a word. He felt that if he died young one day, he must be mad at Yan Qingchi. Open your mouth, sooner or later it will be sewn up!

The three of them drank their drinks and ate the popcorn. Then they started to play the next project without a hassle. Chess is young and tired in the afternoon, but he rarely comes to the playground and always wants to stay longer. So the three of them find a restaurant for dinner, and wait until dark before taking them with him. go away.

Chess was really tired and a little sleepy, so he fell asleep leaning on Yan Qingchi in the cart. Jiang Mochen saw from the rearview mirror that Yan Qingchi had pulled the blanket from the cart and covered his body with chess. When he raised his head, his eyes met.

"Are you tired?" Yan Qingchi asked him, "If you are tired, change me to drive."

"You should sit still."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "Chess is very happy today."

"Well, I can see it."

"Wait for a while. When school starts in September, should Chess go to kindergarten or elementary school?"

"Primary school."

Yan Qingchi nodded, he looked down at chess, "Go to elementary school and get to know some A new friend can be regarded as a new start for him."

"Yeah." It's great, Yan Qingchi thought, a new start, a new future. He will use himself as a chess player in the vast world, step by step, and begin to belong to himself. A bright future.

Two days later, Li Jiang finally returned to City X. Yanqingchi and Xingyue officially terminated the contract. On the day of termination, he and Nancheng formally signed a contract. Nancheng's senior agent, Guan Mei, became his new agent. It was also on this day that Yan Qingchi finally ushered in his first role on the road, the male number three in "Lost", as well as Meng Luo, a young college student who is both the son of the victim and the ultimate murderer of the case.

Yan Qingchi first heard this role from Jiang Mochen's mouth. He looked at Jiang Mochen, "So you mean that the male third of your crew is now available, let me go audition?"


"But isn't this film going to be launched in more than half a month? How come a role is suddenly vacated?"

"Meng Luo's setting is for college students, in order to post his age, so he decided to be a young man before. The actor, that is, in the first two months, this actor was broadcasted as a male second in a TV series, and the effect is not bad, so he received some invitations, including the male lead of a TV series. The male lead, everyone is natural. I wanted to act. But Director Wang didn't like the fact that there were people in his play, and the filming of the drama he played the lead role was also recently started, so when Director Wang knew about it, he expressed his attitude with the young actor's agent. After negotiating for a long time, the actor was still reluctant to give up the male lead, so Director Wang decided to abandon him and find another suitable candidate. You know, the show is about to start, and this time is changing, time is tight and the task is heavy, the director asked me Is there any recommendation? I thought about it. You are not in this age group. You also look like a college student. You just don't know how your acting skills are, so I told you to try the mirror. I chose it. Of course, it's the best choice. No," Jiang Mochen looked at him up and down, "Then you can work hard."

"When shall I go?"

"Tomorrow, Guan Mei will take you there."

"What kind of character is this character?"

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, and simply said to him, "I can only give you a rough idea, but don't worry, if you go to the audition tomorrow, someone will tell you about the drama. You can ask him if you don't understand. . "

" Okay. "Yan Qingchi nodded," Thank you."

" You're welcome, I hope we can meet in the crew. "

Yan Qingchi laughed at," will. "

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