Part 45

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Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen didn't talk for too long, so they were called by the director to take the place away and tried the play, and then started filming.

In the quiet room, Yan Qingchi has already entered the role of Meng Luo. He sat on the sofa and looked at the man in front of him. He asked, "Drink water?"

Jiang Mochen, no, it should be He Yu. Staring at him in a calm tone, "No."

Meng Luo only poured himself a glass.

They sat down across the coffee table. Meng Luo's expression was very relaxed and his voice was very nice, "Are you looking for me?"

Contrary to him, He Yu had a serious face, "Where are you on the night of September 30th? ? "

" I and my classmates. "

" singing? "

" Yes. "

" Wang Kwong Road? "

" Yes. "

" Why did you choose that time, Wang Kwong Road ktv to sing? "

" because just eleven During the holidays, everyone wants to relax. Going there is also because the KTV is the cheapest."

He Yu raised the corner of his lips, his words were gentle, but his words were firm. His eyes were sharp and his expression was a little cold. He said, "You lied."

Meng Luo looked at him in shock and innocence, seeming to be puzzled why he said so.

His eyes were very clean, reflected in He Yu's eyes, like a Wangquan. He Yu was looked at by his innocent and pure eyes, and he could only sigh in his heart: At a young age, his mind was so deep.

He said solemnly: "You choose there because you want to get close to Xu Jiao."

Xu Jiao was the third deceased.

He looked at Meng Luo and slowly laid out the evidence he had collected bit by bit.

Meng Luo heard that there was no change in his expression, but he lowered his head and drank, and said calmly, "This is just your guess."

He was too calm and composed, but such a calmness was not normal in itself.

"Before Xu Jiao died, there were scraps of the murderer's skin left in her nails. You can go back to the game and test to see if it is the same."

Meng Luo glanced at him and drank another sip of water. It was a calm tone, "What does the same thing prove?"

"What do you say? Meng Luo."

Meng Luo smiled, his gentle appearance is very beautiful, he put down the glass in his hand, his tone was clear, he said, "He Yu, you are very smart, you are smarter than anyone else I have ever met."

Jiang Mochen obviously felt that Yan Qingchi's temperament had changed.

He looked at him, "Don't pretend?"

Meng Luo still chuckled, "It's boring to pretend, isn't it?"

He leaned back slightly and looked directly at He Yu with his eyes. Full of contempt and pride.

That was a different Meng Luo that He Yu had never seen before.

He said, "You're right, I killed her, I killed them."

"You use Zhou Fang to use him as your pawn to help you kill people, and at the same time become your umbrella, hiding yourself in Behind the truth, I watched all this quietly. Poor Zhou Fang still felt that you were just an ignorant and unprepared student."

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