Part 31

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The sky was clear and Hui Feng was gentle. This was the second day after "Lost" started. Yan Qingchi sat in a chair and watched Jiang Mochen in plain clothes in the play, playing against the male second week. Zhou Fang's actor, Ji Sixing, just entered the traffic circle last year. He is 28 years old this year and is exactly the same age as Zhou Fang. At this time, he is wearing a pair of gold glasses, calmly responding to He Yu's questioning.

"Ka." The director shouted, "Ji Sixing, your emotions are not right, you are too tense, you should be more natural, you and Jiang Mochen are evenly matched in the play, and it is too obvious that you are suppressed by him now."

. "well," Jisi Xing nod, nod while Jiang Mo Chen sorry and said: "Chen brother, I'm sorry, your acting is great, I'm a little nervous."

"Never mind, you relax, the state initially when the good."

"good. After Ji Sixing finished speaking, he adjusted his mentality and started playing with Jiang Mochen again.

Yan Qingchi watched the head-on confrontation between the two of them, and was actually a little eager to play with Jiang Mochen. It's just that his role is small, and he concealed his relationship with Jiang Mochen. He only said that he was a newcomer, so he could only sit on the bench and wait for his turn.

He was also waiting for another actress. The actress was named Su Nuan, who played a Chinese teacher who liked Zhou Fang and provided him with an alibi for many times.

She looked at Yan Qingchi and asked him, "Are you playing Meng Luo?"

Yan Qingchi didn't expect that someone would suddenly speak to herself. When she turned around, she moved her small bench to his side and smiled at him. Laughed.

Yan Qingchi nodded, "What about you?"

"I will play Liu Jiani."

"Oh, Zhou Fang's girlfriend." Yan Qingchi pointed to Ji Sixing not far away.


Nuan curled her lips , "What a girlfriend, it's just a tool to be used." This is true. After all, Zhou Fang promised Liu Jiani to associate with her in order to make Liu Jiani her own. The part of sin has nothing to do with love.

"However, I am very satisfied with this role. It's just that watching Ji Sixing and Jiang Mochen play against each other is so difficult, and I feel like it's mysterious."

"It's okay, you can practice more."

"I will. I also wrote down a lot of what Director Wang said, just because I was afraid that I would make the same mistake." Su Nuan responded quickly.

"Then you're pretty serious."

"If you don't be serious, you can't do it," Su Nuan was a little worried. "This circle depends on background, contacts, and popularity. With these three things, you have good resources. What about me? Nothing, no matter how serious it is, I won't be able to make it in my life." She said that, and approached Yan Qingchi and said: "Speaking of which, this crew, I looked at it, and it seems that both of them have nothing."

Yan Qingchi Look at her suspiciously.

Su Nuan explained to him, "Those who played the dead are Meng Wen, Xu Jiao, and Master Li. These middle-aged actors are all old actors invited by the director to come as guest stars. Among the remaining young actors, Jiang Mochen is needless to say. , That was the new actor, and the whole movie was pointed at him. It is said that there are noble people behind Zhou Fang. Zhao Qiang, who plays the heroine, is a popular little flower. For the two of us, I searched Baidu and found no such person. , It's okay."

Yan Qingchi, the legal partner of the new movie emperor Jiang Mochen: ... smile at this time.

Seeing him smile, Su Nuan thought he was as helpless as himself, and immediately encouraged, "It's okay, I saw the role of Meng Luo, it is very shining, you look good, this movie is on, you must It will be red."

"You too."

"Hope, but Liu Jiani doesn't have a lot of hot spots. I'll be content if I can brush her face. Oh, yes, I came to you just to ask you, can you? Play against me. I tried to look for Ji Sixing when he was not busy, but he was not very willing, either. He is very popular, and time is very valuable. So I watched the entire crew and it was the two of us who were the best. Transparency, no one can play against you, right? I can help you too, okay?"

"Yes." Yan Qingchi doesn't reject this. Anyway, he has plenty of time and can kill two birds with one stone.

"Then we will try after watching Jiang Mochen's show ."

"OK." The

two watched Jiang Mochen and Ji Sixing's play again, Su Nuan sighed unconsciously, "Jiang Mochen is so handsome."

Yan Qing Chi looked at her, "Do you like him?"

"What you said, which girl doesn't like Jiang Mochen, she is handsome and gentle, and has good acting skills. Moreover," Su Nuan looked at him with a mysterious face, "It is said that Jiang Mochen was born It's especially good. The kind that has a mine at home can go back to inherit the family business at any time."

Yan Qingchi thought about it, this is said to be quite accurate.

The girl Su Nuan said in her heart: "I took a photo with him on the day I turned it on and I had to sign it. It's super happy."

"You are happy." Yan Qingchi said warmly. After all, it was an attack on the original book. He reads like Su Nuan. It's normal that the supporting characters who haven't noticed will like it.

Su Nuan was a little shy by what he said, and felt that she was a little idiot, so she stopped talking and concentrated on watching Jiang Mochen filming.

When Jiang Mochen finished filming, Ji Sixing went off the scene and replaced Zhao Qian and Jiang Mochen in the scene. Yan Qingchi and Su Nuan also quietly found a quiet place to go to the scene.

As soon as Jiang Mochen turned his head, he saw him and Su Nuan leaving with a smile, and a subtle emotion suddenly surged in his heart. He looked at Su Nuan and asked secretly who was this? Why did the two leave together? Guan Mei didn't stay with Yan Qingchi on the crew because he was there, what about this girl's agent? Why don't you look at your artist? And Yan Qingchi, in just a few days, he has such a good relationship with the rest of the crew?

Jiang Mochen felt a little irritable, and it was not until Zhao Qiang called him that he recovered, condensed his mind, and prepared to film.

And Yan Qingchi, who was worried by him, was correcting Su Nuan's pronunciation at this time, "teng!"




"Yes, teng!"

"Teng!" Su Nuan strengthened his tone.

Yan Qingchi nodded, Su Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, and kept repeating soaring. She was a little ashamed. She didn't expect that she had just said a line with Yan Qingchi, and she encountered the problem of front and back nasal sounds. Fortunately, Yan Qingchi did not laugh at her and was willing to help her correct her pronunciation.

Yan Qingchi waited for her to practice, and then continued to play with her. Apart from her own problems, Su Nuan couldn't do anything about the front and back nasal sounds. At other times, her mood and lines were good. She walked through her play with Yan Qingchi, and wanted to practice Meng Luo's play with him as well.

Yan Qingchi checked the time on the phone, "Next time, it's about to start dinner."

Su Nuan nodded, "Well then, thank you."

"It's okay."

"I'll go back tonight, and I will improve my pronunciation. of. "

" good. "

" Teng, Teng, Teng. "Su repeated the warm side.

Yan Qingchi was about to say right, when he heard a familiar voice come in, "What are you two doing?"

Yan Qingchi looked up and saw Jiang Mochen looking at him with a cold face.

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