Part 59

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 Yan Qingchi didn't want to pick Chen Xuanlang's wooden card so quickly. Chen Xuanlang was the captain. The reason why the captain was the captain was that he was different from the team members. Yan Qingchi didn't know that he had picked Chen Xuan so hastily. Long's wooden sign, will it be too good? Secondly, like Sun Xun, Chen Xuanlang is the popular king of this show. He is afraid that if he eliminates Chen Xuanlang in this way, Chen Xuanlang will be unhappy, his fans will be unhappy, and the show team will be unhappy. .

So he took a step back and stepped on the window sill. Yan Qingchi looked at Chen Xuanlang's face with astonishment, smiled slightly, "See you next time." He finished, and jumped straight down. .

Chen Xuanlang was taken aback, and hurried to the window to see Yan Qingchi landing steadily, and even waved at him when he saw his probe coming out.

Chen Xuanlang was stunned. Although it was the first floor, it was not high, but it was not low. Just jump straight down, and Yan Qingchi was the first one.

Yang Xiaoxiao witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and asked in disbelief, "Captain, are we making idol dramas?"

Chen Xuanlang looked at him, "Then we must not be the protagonists."

Yang Xiaoxiao nodded and pointed. Pointing outside the window, "This is the real hero, we two, it is estimated that the male partner and the male partner."

Chen Xuanlang retorted, "I, the righteous male partner, you, the male partner."

Yang Xiaoxiao was shocked. The plastic team, dismantle the team online."

Sun Xun waited outside for a while, but did not see Yan Qingchi coming out, so he fell back, only to see Chen Xuanlang and Yang Xiaoxiao in the classroom, "Where is Yan Qingchi "

I jumped out of the window and left."

Sun Xun was shocked, "What are you driving people to? Are you so to the newcomer!"

"I forced him?" Chen Xuanlang felt that he was more wronged than Dou E "I took a step forward, and he jumped straight down, and said goodbye to me with a smile. What a newcomer, have you seen a newcomer who just came to the program group grabbed someone's wooden sign and jumped out of the window Yes? This is far better than us."

Sun Xun said, fortunately, you didn't know that the wooden cards of your team Dai Hongzhuo and Li Yuanqing were also in his hand.

Chen Xuanlang approached him, and Sun Xun took a step back.

Chen Xuanlang hurriedly said, "I'm not robbing you, I just think you two seem to know each other, so I want to ask, what's the matter with him? Shaolin lay disciple? So powerful."

"It's not," Sun Xun himself In fact, he was a little confused. His impression of Yan Qingchi remained at the time when they saw him for the first time. Yan Qingchi slapped Liao Sibo face-to-face and asked him to apologize to himself. However, although he knew that Yan Qing Chi was not as vain as it seemed, like a beautiful vase, he didn't expect Yan Qing Chi to be so powerful, so he could only honestly say: "I actually don't know. You may not believe it, but the two of us are still unfamiliar."

"Then you showed a special way of protecting him yesterday." Chen Xuanlang was puzzled.

"Oh, this," Sun Xun explained, "I and Jiang Mochen are friends, and he has a good relationship with Jiang Mochen, so when he comes to the show, I naturally have to take care of him."

Now Chen Xuanlang understood, "He It's from Nancheng too?"


"No wonder he was lucky enough to be in this variety show."

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