Part 125

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 Yuan Mingxu turned his head hauntingly and saw Zhou Yixing sitting on the sofa in the ward. He is still there, Yuan Mingxu thought, why is he here now? When will he be away?

"You are awake." Zhou Yixing opened his eyes when he saw him, stood up and walked towards him.

Yuan Mingxu looked at him, did not speak, no anger was visible in his eyes, and there was no brilliance.

Zhou Yixing looked at him with such an unlovable look, and thought of the things the doctor had confessed to him before. He felt sad and indignation. He looked at Yuan Mingxu and couldn't help but step forward to pick up his clothes and take a look. Is he a man?

When Yuan Mingxu saw him coming, his body couldn't stop shaking. He had already formed a conditioned reflex, and he didn't dare to resist, but he felt scared psychologically and physically.

Zhou Yixing looked at him shivering under the quilt, and couldn't understand, "How could you get pregnant? How could you have children? You are a man, how can you get pregnant?!"

Yuan Mingxu couldn't listen. What he was talking about when he entered, he just lowered his head in fear, his body trembling constantly.

Zhou Yixing was not used to seeing him this way the most, and grabbed his jaw, "You speak, why are you pregnant? Are you a woman? Are you a monster? You don't have a womb, what are you pregnant with!"

Yuan Mingxu still didn't speak, but looked at him timidly.

Zhou Yixing raised his hand and wanted to hit him, Yuan Mingxu instantly closed his eyes and shrank himself.

Zhou Yixing watched him curl up, raised his hand halfway, and then slowly retracted it. He wondered why Yuan Mingxu became pregnant, and what was a man who could become pregnant? A monster that is neither male nor female? Why would I have a relationship with such a person? Why do you spend so long with this kind of person?

He looked at Yuan Mingxu with disgust and contempt in his eyes. He wanted to make Yuan Mingxu go away and never show up in front of him from now on, but countless complex emotions entangled in his heart, making him unable to tell. This sentence can only disgust him while disgusting himself.

Yuan Mingxu kept his eyes closed, as if closing his eyes would eliminate the need to face everything, and all the suffering and torture would be gone.

Zhou Yixing gritted his teeth and gave him one last look. He turned and walked away. He couldn't stay here anymore. He thought, he needed to be quiet, and after thinking about him and Yuan Mingxu, he needed to be calm and calm.

Yuan Mingxu heard a very loud sound of closing the door, so he slowly opened his eyes and looked around the ward again. Zhou Yi was walking, he thought, Zhou Yixing finally left.

He closed his eyes and wanted to sleep for a while, but suddenly realized something and opened his eyes. Looking at the ward he was in, he gradually became excited and even showed some surprise smiles.

Zhou Yi is walking, this is not his house, this is the hospital, he can leave, he can escape, he finally waited until this day.

Yuan Mingxu lifted the quilt and got out of bed almost immediately. He just had a miscarriage, suffered injuries on his body, and was severely undernourished. He could not stand up almost immediately after he got off the ground. But Yuan Mingxu stood up by his own will. He covered his wound and walked to the ward door step by step.

He had never felt that he was so close to hope, he had never felt so excited and excited.

He opened the door and ran out instantly.

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