Part 144

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Yan Qingchi smiled, "Then do you think if your fans know that you are such a shameless old pervert, will they be disappointed?"

"They won't know, but they will know, you will do it to me . " "

Oh, I'm so afraid, oh. "Yan Qingchi pinched voice pretending to be delicate Road, then his disdain laugh," go well, who does not say who is the grandson, rubbish! "

Yan Qingchi Walking out of Mo Jianying's door, he was full of anger. Fortunately, he had always thought that Mo Jianying was a good senior, and had always respected Mo Jianying. He didn't expect that he was such a disgusting old animal! Still want to sleep with him? ! ! ! Does he look so sleepy! ! ! What a rubbish! brute! Bastard!

Yan Qingchi stopped the recording, looked at the automatically generated file, swiped his card into his room, and called Jiang Mochen.

As soon as Jiang Mochen finished coaxing the kid Jiang Zhiyan to sleep, he heard the phone ring. He was afraid of waking up the inkstone, so he quickly took the phone out of the inkstone room.

"Hello," he said warmly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking the word, he heard Yan Qingchi on the other end of the phone angrily said: "Jiang Mochen, do you know what happened to me just now? You can't believe it when I say it! My God, me Life in the entertainment industry is too colorful!"

"What's wrong, I'm so angry with you?" Jiang Mochen walked into his bedroom and sat down on the sofa.

"Let me tell you, you can cherish me well, otherwise I might follow someone else someday."

Jiang Mochen smiled, "Where and where are you talking about?"

"That Mo Jianying! Human face and beasthearted. Hooligan! You want to sleep with me! It sounds good, what, you follow me, I want to get close to you, and I want to grab my arm, it's disgusting to me, I am an old and disrespectful dog!"

Jiang Mochen was startled. "What did you say? Mo Jianying wants to sleep with you?"

"Yes, I just said why he suddenly recommended Lei Hao to me so kindly and said that he let me act in his movie. It was his mind! Do I look like such a sleepy person? His dog eyes Go blind!"

Jiang Mochen was amused by his sentence "Do I look like such a sleepy person?" Yan Qingchi looks good, but looks too gorgeous and a bit more feminine. It is always easy to make people think that he is a vase when I first see him. Even Jiang Mochen himself, when he first saw him, was deceived by his appearance, thinking that he was that kind of vase beauty, a brainless idiot. Mo Jianying estimated that he was similar to the one who first saw Yan Qingchi.

"You are getting along for a while, are you doing well in front of him?" he asked.

"Yes." Yan Qingchi nodded, "I didn't tell you before. I think he has good acting skills and respects him as a senior, so he is very restrained in front of him and respects him very much. As a result, he is not as good as Zhang. What about that real villain!"

"That's it." Jiang Mochen said, "He fell in love with you, and saw you look good in front of him, so he felt that you were not threatening, so he dared to tell you Such words. I just didn't expect that you are not a docile little cat, you are a little leopard with teeth and claws."

"That is, see if I will kill him!" Yan Qingchi said angrily.

Jiang Mochen felt sorry for him, "It's okay if you are fine. I

didn't expect him to be this kind of person. You would encounter such a thing. If I knew it, I should leave later." Yan Qingchi didn't expect him to say that. Just laughed, this smile relieved a lot of anger in my heart, "Why are you late? It's February, and you can be as late as February. What do you think about you."

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