Part 167

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 Yan Qingchi shook his head. He thought it was funny, "I never did this when I was learning dancing when I was a child. Now that I have grown up, I stepped on my feet and met my head again."

"That means you have grown up."

Yan Qingchi squinted at him, and after Guangzhong, he saw that the others on the square had already jumped to the end, and the girl turned around in the hands of the boy.

Yan Qingchi quickly patted Jiang Mochen, "Quick, I will do this, let's try this."

Jiang Mochen glanced at his side, raised his arm, and Yan Qingchi took his hand and turned around. Then looked at Jiang Mochen, "I won't be the one behind."

"I will." Jiang Mochen pulled him back into his arms.

Yan Qingchi looked at him suspiciously, Jiang Mochen looked at him, bowed his head and kissed. Yan Qingchi said in his heart that it was indeed the same trick. He thought so in his heart, but the corner of his mouth rose unconsciously, and gently bit Jiang Mochen's lips, and then he gently responded to his kiss.

When the music ended, they finished kissing, Jiang Mochen let go of him, took a step back, and still bowed, "Thank you very much, a great dance."

Yan Qingchi thought he was a little cute, with a smile in his eyes. Looking at him, my heart is a little sweet.

After the dance, the music and fountain stopped, and the people in the square gradually dispersed.

He asked Xiang Jiang Mochen, "Are we going back?"

Jiang Mochen nodded, "Otherwise Teacher Li and the others should come to us soon."

Yan Qingchi just gave birth to some thoughts of being intimate with him. I want to go back, thinking that after I go back, the two people will have to pretend to be just good friends. They can't be too close, and they are a little reluctant. He sighed and opened his arms, "Come on, hold one before you go back, otherwise there will be no chance."

Jiang Mochen walked over and hugged him and whispered, "Who said that there is no chance. Hold you."

"Then let go."

"Am I this kind of person?" Jiang Mochen looked at him, "It's all in my arms, there's no reason to let go."

Yan Qingchi tweeted, "A profiteer."

"It's not a profiteer who got the money to marry you," Don't worry, the profiteer's assets are half yours." Jiang Mochen took his shoulders, "Let's go, let's go back." When

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen returned, Li Mo and Li Bozhong were already waiting for them. See you When the two of them came back, Li Bozhong was relieved.

"Where did you two go?" he asked.

"There were too many people in this area just now, so I went to a place with relatively few people." Yan Qingchi said.

Li Bozhong nodded, "Then let's go back."


Li Mo followed Li Bozhong and asked him when passing by Jiang Mochen, "Am I doing well?"


"Can I add a signature?

" can. " "

yes! "Li Mo very happy," next time I will do well in. "she patted his chest to Jiang Mo Chen assured.

"Then I am very optimistic about you." Jiang Mochen said.

Li Mo smiled and happily returned to Li Bozhong.

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