Part 168

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 "Time is up, the game begins!" The host gave an order, and everyone started to act.

Yan Qingchi looked at Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan and rushed out. He raised his head to look at Jiang Mochen, "Then we should also run?"

Jiang Mochen nodded, "Go." The

two of them quickly ran out.

Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan were running, and suddenly they saw Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen passing them. Yan Qingchi gave him a look and smiled, "Let's go first."

Yang Xinhe was taken aback. "Why are they so fast?"

Yu Haoyuan thought for a while, "This may be their strength, after all, it is the first place in the test."

Seeing Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen ran ahead, Fei Jingyu cursed. With a treacherous sound, he ran away, Yue Ziming quickly followed and ran forward with him.

Driven by them, the others followed suit. Yu Xiaoyu watched Wei Zhihang and ran far away in one breath. He was a little angry that he didn't wait for himself, but was unwilling to call him, so he also cheered. , Ran towards him.

Zhang Ningwei saw that the friends around her were running fast, and she was so worried that she could not wait for Krypton Jin to charge her own strength. She really didn't work hard, but her motor skills were not lit up every time she ran. The 800 meters depends on the teacher's mood. If the teacher is in a good mood, she can barely pass, but if the teacher is in a bad mood, she will have to make up the exam indefinitely.

Mo Xiaoxiao frowned when she saw her unconsciously, and comforted her, "It's okay Weiwei, don't be afraid, I have studied pottery, it doesn't matter if we arrive a little bit slower, you take it slowly, don't worry."

Zhang Ningwei was even more guilty in an instant . "You said, "Why can't living people lack anything like the characters in the game? As long as they are willing to spend money, they can buy anything? I have money, I am willing to krypton gold, just want to lighten my physical strength, this requirement is excessive "

Mo Xiaoxiao laughed, "It's not too much, it's a pity that you are not a character in the game, so krypton gold can't make you stronger, give up, girl."

The host looked at their backs running hard one by one, exaggeratingly said in front of the camera, "Which group will win the first day of the first issue of "Best Partner", let us join together,

Wait and see!" Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen arrived at the bus station, and they were lucky enough to have a car coming. They got on the bus and looked at the route on the task card in their hands, "Reverse to the city center." Jiang Mochen said.

Yan Qingchi nodded. As soon as he looked up, he saw Yang Xinhe and the others chasing him. They desperately waved behind the car to stop the car. He smiled unconsciously. He waved at Yang Xinhe. Yang Xinhe bent over to support his knees. I was so miserable.

Arriving in the city center, Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen reversed the car according to the instructions of the mission card, and then got off at Jenny Street.

He looked around the shops, and did not see the "Rose Garden Art Museum" written on the mission card. Yan Qingchi looked at the passing pedestrians, walked to a blond boy carrying a backpack, and asked him, "Do you know the Rose Garden Art Museum?" The

little brother shook his head.

He went to ask the girl standing next to him waiting for the bus again. The girl repeated his question and showed him the way.

Yan Qingchi thanked him politely, and looked at Jiang Mochen beside him, "Go ahead a little bit."

He looked at the various shops on the street in front of him, and eagerly suggested to Jiang Mochen, "Let's take a stroll, otherwise We arrived first. Even if the drawing is finished, the teacher judges it, and Fei Jingyu is not there, it is meaningless."

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