Part 52

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 The first 5 pages are all normal, and they are all praised by Kwajiang Mochen, but starting from page 6, the style of painting has slowly changed.

"The picture of President Jiang is really sweet. I rarely see such a sweet President Jiang."

"Yeah, President Jiang feels like he has never been to a movie with anyone before being photographed."

"With Sun Xun. , But the two of them have no expressions, and they don't want to pay attention to each other. Unlike this one, they look sweet."

"Sister upstairs, I beg you to stop talking, there is a contrast, there is a gap, you are almost forced Let me stand on CP!"

"This pair has CP fans?"

"It's more than there, there are super chats. Today is such a big mouthful of candy, haven't you seen a dozen of super chats!"


"It's normal, right? This pair had a CP fan on the day they were first named, but the two are really different. A newcomer in Yanqingchi has nothing, so CP fan is just a secret underground joint. , Today's picture came out, but it's not that the underground party has come out."

"Passers-by are passing by, ask if this cute couple is? Didn't the little house sister tear it?"

"The cuteness is the match of beauty and life-saving grace? ,

I promised with my body!" "Help? I skipped class???"

"My mother, the forum was screened that day, you are more than skipping class, you are skipping school. Give you a link , Make up the lesson by yourself."

"So what is the name of this pair?"

"Call Chengchi, I think it's this."

"Are there any groups?"

"Is this post crooked into the CP building now?"

"Sister Little House" It hasn't even appeared yet!"

"Upstairs, you may not believe it. This pair is the little house sister who took the lead, otherwise Yanqingchi will have a few fans."

"Fuck, do you want to ruin the post upstairs? I deleted your statement."

"Telling the truth is always deleted."

But, I think it is now, and you did not delete it. what! Yan Qingchi murmured secretly. He lowered his head and swept down, and he saw someone saying, "There are groups, guide the way."

Yan Qingchi quit this post and read several other posts, basically Talking about him and Jiang Mochen, some people even thought that there were too many posts, so they said: Is this Jiang Mochen's post? Whenever there is a turmoil, you can swipe the screen. Can't you go back to your Weibo square!

In the end, I was stunned by the little house sister and went back: How popular is Jiang Mochen, don't you feel compelling? What about celebrities in entertainment gossip forums? Parents are short, do mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fight?

Yan Qingchi deeply felt that he might not be popular in reality. Baidu found no such person, but the forum had a name first.

He opened Weibo and looked for it, entered the Chaohua of the city, and then found the group that the master said.

Yan Qingchi hesitated for a while, still a little curious, so he cut a trumpet and added a Weibo group.

"A newcomer is here, welcome newcomer~"

"Welcome newcomer~"

"Welcome newcomer~"

"Thank you," Yan Qingchi replied.

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