Part 145

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 At that time, he was almost eight years old, and he was already considered an older child in the orphanage. That day, Yan Qingchi felt wronged, sad, but angry. He thought it would be nice if the dean's mother could hear what they said with him, or if he could let the dean's mother listen to what they said. That's it.

It would be great if there was something that could record what others said, so that he could release what they said when the two of them said I was not a lie, so that others would believe in themselves.

It was not until later, after he was adopted by his adoptive parents, that he knew that there was a recording function in his mobile phone, but recording on a mobile phone was sometimes inconvenient, so he later bought a voice recorder.

These things are all things in the past, and when Yan Qingchi thinks about it now, there will not be much emotional fluctuations.

Two of his friends later found themselves to apologize when they left, but at that time, they had already known the whole taipan of the rumor. Yan Qingchi did not forgive them. Since he was a child, he was not the kind of personality that would easily forgive major mistakes. He even said to them angrily, "Even if you say I steal things, I have my own parents, and I also have my own. It's home. But you haven't, just a little bit!"

He turned around and ran into his adoptive father's car, waved with the younger brother and sister of Xiaoban, and left the orphanage.

It was just these things that he couldn't tell Jiang Mochen that this was not the experience that the Yanqing Lake he had traveled through. This was his own experience, so he couldn't tell Jiang Mochen.

Yan Qingchi hesitated to tell Jiang Mochen the facts and told him that he was not a person in this world. He didn't need to tell Jiang Mochen that the world they were in was a novel, but that it was a parallel space, but Jiang Mochen would believe him. ? Do you feel panic?

Probably not, he thought, Jiang Mochen could even accept that he could have children. This kind of thing would be easier to accept than men having children. Maybe he told Jiang Mochen that he was not a person in this world, but Jiang Mochen would feel that everything was solved easily, and felt that it was because he was not a person in this world that he could have children.

When Yan Qingchi thought of this, he didn't know what expression he should put on for a moment. But even if he wanted to tell Jiang Mochen, it would definitely not be right now. He hoped to talk to Jiang Mochen face to face with this kind of thing, instead of using a mobile phone to see each other but not touch each other.

"I'll talk to you later." Yan Qingchi smiled, "Wait until..." He thought for a while, "Wait, when I think it's suitable."

Jiang Mochen has always followed him, so he nodded. Did not think too much, "Then are you going to tell Fu Dao about this?"

Yan Qingchi asked him, "Do you think I should tell her? I'm afraid I will tell Fu Dao, "Dor Fu, Mo Jianying this dog If you want to sleep with me', Dao Fu will be scared to death by me."

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, "You can wait and see what he will do afterwards. If you follow the ruthless words he gave you before, don't You tell Director Fu, Mo Jianying will first say that yours is not yours on the Internet. Then you will argue with him, and naturally you will not be able to skip this. Of course, Director Fu will know."

"Then she will probably be depressed. , In my crew, there is a real villain and a hypocrite hiding."

Jiang Mochen sighed, "Mo Jianying, to be honest, is really good to hide, if it weren't for you to tell me, I don't know that he is such a person. And his image is so good. Fortunately, you recorded the sound. Otherwise, if you two are up against each other, I will naturally trust you unconditionally, but other people, I would definitely choose to believe him based on my subconscious impressions. So there is no need for Fu Dao to blame himself if something like this happened. Isn't that everyone was kept in the dark before this?"

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