Part 10: Why do I like others when I face you all day.

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"It's just a little bit," Yan Qingchi looked at him and said seriously, "Since you have decided to get married, then many things before marriage should come to an end. Me and you, no matter who you like before marriage, Who has been entangled with, since we are married, then all these must be turned over. We are married, not only the two of us, but also Jiang, Yan and Chess, so in general, no matter what happens , I don't care about it, and I won't divorce you. But," Yan Qingchi said solemnly, "If you fall in love with others during marriage, or get involved with others, I don't care about this person, it's you before marriage. I just know each other, or after marriage, I will never stay in the same room with you again. At that time, I hope we can divorce peacefully."

"Why don't you worry that you are fond of others or the renewed relationship?" Jiang Mochen asked back. .

Yan Qingchi knew that Jiang Mochen had investigated himself when he heard the renewed love, and he also knew the past between the original owner and Li Xinran. He thought about it and asked, "Do you think you are good enough?"

"Of course." Jiang Mochen believed in himself. .

"That's not it." Yan Qingchi leaned back in his chair, and Yun Dan said lightly: "Since you are good enough and I face you all day, why do I still like others?"

Jiang Mochen was asked by him. I was stunned to ask, this did it seem to be teasing him...

Yan Qingchi patted him on the shoulder, "Don't think about so many things, but when you should like it, now you say so much. It's useless. If you shouldn't like it, it's more for nothing if you say these things. Remember what I said, the past will end here. Don't look back in the future, and don't do things that are sorry for the opponent, even if it's for the sake of Chess. Chess is a normal growth environment. Even if you and I do not have love, you must create a peaceful and warm look, understand?"

Jiang Mochen reached out and took his hand off, "Don't worry, Chess is my son. I'm better than you. He went to his heart."

"That's the best." Yan Qingchi finished speaking and didn't stay any longer, said goodbye to him, got out of the car, and walked to his own district.

Jiang Mochen frowned silently as he watched him step by step away from his car. Yan Qingchi's back is very beautiful, not only beautiful, but also a kind of indifferent and unrestrained. He watched quietly, and remembered what he said just now. It is difficult for him to see Yan Qingchi and himself from the materials again. Combining the stupid and pretentious Yan Qingchi, he was a little confused for a while, what kind of character is this person? Is it true that he married himself only for the 50 million?

He thought of Yan Qingchi's sentence: Why do I like others when I face you all day. Jiang Mochen suddenly got a little irritable, shouldn't he, do he like himself?

It's just that before this idea had time to germinate, he pressed it back into the soil. For him, it doesn't matter whether Yan Qingchi likes it or not. Then, since he doesn't like Yan Qingchi, he doesn't need to be passionate to speculate on other people's thoughts.

He condensed his mind, and when Yan Qingchi entered the community, he turned the front of the car and drove back. He didn't need and didn't want to spend much time here in Yan Qingchi. He just lived a life together, getting what he needed, and didn't need so much pursuit.

Soon, Yan Qingchi got the certificate with Jiang Mochen on a sunny day. The marriage certificate is very red, no different from the marriage certificate he saw before crossing. He looked at the marriage certificate in his hand and sighed.

Jiang Mochen looked at him, "Why, regret it?"

"It's not true. I just sighed that my short and happy single life ended in this way. Haven't you heard that marriage is the grave of love, we...

" There is no love between us." Jiang Mochen interrupted him to remind.

"That's even more terrifying," Yan Qingchi looked at him, "Ordinary marriage is also a cemetery, we are a barren grave, there is no end in sight!"

Jiang Mochen :...

"Do you want to drink with me? A cup, and lament the single happiness away from us?" Yan Qingchi asked him.

The two of them have been getting along for a while, and they are much more familiar than when they first met, so that Jiang Mochen has faded away from the gentle appearance, revealing the not-so-good lining under his beautiful skin.

Sure enough, after Jiang Mochen heard his invitation, he said, "I don't have time."

Yan Qingchi felt that he missed the Jiang Mochen he had just met, and he would pretend to be gentle. Now, he has no fear of exposing his indifferent nature.

He pretended to be shocked and looked at the person in the driver's seat incredibly, "Today is the day when we get the license. You told me that there is no time? He said that he would do his duty as a husband and try his best to satisfy him. What about my request?" Yan Qingchi shook his head and said with emotion: "Sure enough, good-looking men are deceiving."

Jiang Mochen looked at him coldly, "When you say this, you can look in the mirror first.

My own face." "I'm different," Yan Qingchi said calmly: "I never lie, you see, I said I promised to marry you, so I'll get married." He raised the marriage in his hand. certificate.

Jiang Mochen was helpless, "Where to go?"

"You want to go out and ask me where to go? Of course you sent me home."

Jiang Mochen gave him a blank look and drove to the house.

When he arrived at the community, Yan Qingchi unfastened his seat belt and was about to get out of the car. Jiang Mochen also unfastened his seat belt. "Why, you have something left at home?"

"Yeah, the wine is at home."

Yan Qingchi ordered. Nodded, but suddenly reflected, wait, is this... he promised to drink with him?

He turned his head and asked tentatively, "Are you still the same?"


"Me!" Yan Qingchi pointed to himself.

Jiang Mochen was amused by him, did not speak, and did not comment.

Knowing that he had guessed correctly, Yan Qingchi got out of the car, closed the door, and gave him a nice smile, "I take back what I said before, I think you are still good, just like me, your appearance is proportional to your character."

Jiang Mochen closed the car door and looked at him, "No, you and I are completely different." He pointed his finger at Yan Qingchi, then pointed at himself, "Two passers-by, understand?"

" Yes ." Yan Qingchi perfunctorily The answer.

He felt that Jiang Mochen seemed to be more reasonable than he thought, and he was a bit harder.

"Next time you can teach Chess to draw a duck."

"What did you say?" Jiang Mochen asked him.

"Speaking of Chess drawing class, why, are you going to come together?"

Jiang Mochen snorted, fully expressing his dissatisfaction with his eyes.

Yan Qingchi thought he was a little funny, and bumped his arm, "Are you really not coming? One-to-two small classes are taught, free of charge, private lessons are included, and you will not be able to continue the class."

Jiang Mochen stopped. .

"Why don't you leave?" Yan Qingchi asked him.

"I'm afraid that the taste of alcohol will be too great and it will affect Teacher Yan's class. Teacher Yan should drink alone and get drunk."

"Don't," Yan Qingchi went to pull him, "What's the point of being drunk alone? I like to be drunk to make a beautiful woman. Double pairs."

Jiang Mochen sneered.

"Don't worry, Teacher Yan will not be in class today." Yan Qingchi assured him, "You have to trust me."

Jiang Mochen looked at the sky silently and walked forward silently. Yan Qingchi quickly followed and entered the elevator with him.

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