Part 66

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Jiang Mochen chuckled, "Didn't you hear it? Forget it."

Yan Qingchi was dissatisfied, "If you didn't hear it , wouldn't you say it a second time?"

"Have you never heard good things not to say the second time? ? "

" no ah. "Yan Qingchi confidently.

"Then I'll tell you now, you know."

Yan Qingchi snorted coldly, "Jiang Mochen, I think I don't need to make conditions with the program team for Yuan Mingxu coming to this issue. I only need the two episodes you come. Tell the program team that there are you without me, and I do not have you."

Jiang Mochen laughed, "Who do you think the program team would choose?"

"Choose you, you will be alone with Sun Xun when the time comes."

"This Don't worry about frightening me for a while?"

"Don't you think you are not thinking about it right now?"

Jiang Mochen helped his forehead helplessly, and couldn't help but laugh, "You are really stunned by me."

Yan Qingchi snorted coldly.

Jiang Mochen made people funny enough, and then he said again, "I said, I miss you."

"What did you say? My signal is not good."

"I said, I miss you, I miss you, the signal is good. Can you hear me?"

Yan Qingchi was satisfied, "It seems that I really

missed me." Jiang Mochen could not help him, "Naive."

Yan Qingchi smiled and said nothing.

"Don't you think you should say something now?" Jiang Mochen reminded him.


"For example, how should you answer?"

"How should you answer?" Yan Qingchi pretended to be confused.

Jiang Mochen was speechless, "Yan Qing Chi," he called Yan Qing Chi's name with the first name and last name.

Yan Qingchi said "Oh", Jiang Mochen calmed down a little, and listened to Yan Qingchi's tone briskly, "Since you miss me, then look forward to seeing us bye bye."

"Yan Qingchi!" Jiang Mochen simply said. Away from anger.

"I have something else to say, so let's hang up first." Yan Qingchi finished speaking and quickly hung up.

Jiang Mochen looked at the hung-up call, and he was so angry that he had a headache. How could he just marry such a master, would he die if he didn't do it? Was it Pippi shrimp in the last life? Can't live without skin in this life?

However, before he could finish the complaint, he heard a sound from WeChat. Jiang Mochen clicked on it and saw that Yan Qingchi had made a speech. He clicked on angrily, and heard a light and pleasant voice from inside, "Me too. I miss you."

Jiang Mochen's anger dissipated in an instant, and he couldn't laugh or cry, and then another WeChat message came. This is the text version: I miss you too, Mr. Jiang.

Underneath is a little rabbit looking obliquely upwards with big eyes open, and two big characters jumping beside it: Miss you.

Jiang Mochen looked at this expression and then at the text he sent. He only felt that when he was a demon, he could really kill his popularity, but when he was coaxing people, he really made people happy.

Yan Qingchi sent a WeChat and asked him: Shouldn't you answer me at this time?

Jiang Mochen refused, so he didn't want to post such disgusting words.

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