Part 68

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 Wei Lan did not speak any more, lowered his head and quickly typed in: This distance is quite good, what's the problem, I think Wei Lan is both handsome and...

He hasn't finished editing his text because Yan Qingchi reached out and grabbed his mobile phone. , Yan Qingchi glanced at the text he edited, "You don't feel bad about saying this."

He deleted the text and replied to Jiang Mochen: Have you eaten dumplings again?

Jiang Mochen: Answer my question directly.

Wei Lan leaned over, Yan Qingchi took the phone aside and pressed the voice button calmly, "You have another chance to tell you Brother Jiang that you don't want to be a junior."

Wei Lan snorted coldly, "Just charge him. Call my brother to tell me not to participate in this variety show, I will not say."

"Doesn't your brother still let you come?"

"Nonsense, that's my brother, not his brother, of course follow me. "

So do you have ideas for me?"

Wei Lan looked disgusted, "Are you crazy? You think you are Jack Su, people all over the world like you, I am also moral and aesthetic, let alone I can't see you. If I become a junior, my brother will kill me."

Yan Qingchi released the voice button and the voice was automatically sent out. He lowered his head and typed: OK, now you hear it.

Wei Lan was shocked, "What did you send him?"

He quickly reacted, "You just pressed your voice, Yan Qingchi, you are too treacherous!"

Yan Qingchi smiled slightly, "This The matter educates you to be more cautious in speaking and doing things in the future."

Wei Lan was so angry that he stretched out her finger and pointed at him, "You, you, you..." After a long time, she didn't say the next thing.

Yan Qingchi ignored him, looked down at the phone, and saw Jiang Mochen replied, "I heard, let him be obedient, don't cause you trouble."

Yan Qingchi smiled, Wei Lan looked down, angrily on the spot "Hum", "You tell him, he should rest a little bit more, don't provoke any rotten peach blossoms."

The three of you come and talk to me for a while, see if the time is almost up, and then go to the conference room notified by the program group. The two sat for more than ten minutes, and the talents arrived one after another. Chen Xuanlang was still the last to come. He seemed a little tired, but he still listened carefully to the director's point of this recording.

The recording of this time is different from the previous two. The first two recordings of Yan Qingchi were recorded as one episode per day, but this time, only two days were counted as one episode. Yan Qingchi didn't understand why at first, so she didn't know why after watching the process later. , This time added some content, in addition to grabbing wooden cards, there are some additional competitions, which led to the extension of time.

The director briefly explained to everyone the fixed tasks and the smiles that must appear in this recording, and then said to Yan Qingchi, "You can record as before, don't change."

Yan Qingchi nodded, "Okay." "The

director confessed a few more words, and the meeting ended, and everyone went to their rooms one after another. Yan Qingchi and Wei Lan were walking together. Just a few steps out, he heard Yuan Mingxu, who was walking in front, asking Sun Xun, "Are you going to have some supper?"

Sun Xun looked at the gentle and harmless pair in front of him. The appearance of Yuan Mingxu only felt that he was a little embarrassed now. When he knew that Yuan Mingxu was coming to record, he "cocked" in his heart. Mingxu stopped, even he thought that maybe Jiang Mochen would come together, after all, Jiang Mochen had two appointments with the program group. He thought of everything, but he didn't expect that Yuan Mingxu came and Yan Qingchi also came, but Jiang Mochen did not come.

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