Part 133

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"Can Sister Oats not lick the cake all day, this brand has no ambassador, OK?" someone immediately jumped out and said sarcastically.

Yanqingchi fan is also not to be outdone: "The Kongkoujian attributes are great upstairs. Isn't it Oats that you apologize for live performances?"

"It's only high-end, pay for the production, Yanqingchi has not attended the event for a year, this time it is It's the first appearance this year, and it's nominated. It's normal to pay attention to customizing a piece of clothing. It just happened to hit the brand with Jiang Mochen. There is nothing to discuss. Don't take the rhythm."

"I don't understand what the upstairs said. , I simply think that both of them look good in clothes."

"+1 upstairs, even looks a bit worthy."

"CP fans are so cute !! Thank you for closing the wheat!!"

"Who the hell is a CP fan, Yan Don't pass by, CP fans are all on Weibo, how can I come to count posts like you."

Sister Oats stared at the post, for fear that a passerby would be wrong, Jiang Mochen's fans took the lead in the war, but they hadn't started fighting. , Another blockbuster came again.

Someone posted an animated picture of Jiang Mochen and Yanqingchi on Weibo. On the picture, Yanqingchi seemed to be talking to other people. Jiang Mochen suddenly patted him to remind him to go out. Yanqingchi nodded and Jiang Mochen was very surprised. He adjusted the brooch on his chest easily. Yan Qingchi looked down and then smiled at him. Jiang Mochen smiled as if to say something.

The background of this animated picture should be in the background. The po main character only has a row of ah ah ah ah ah and a string of exclamation marks. There is no other text, but it is enough to express her excitement.

Chengchi CP fan saw this picture, and the groundhog screamed, "My mom, it

's so sweet !!! Giant sugar!!!" "President Jiang is so gentle! So sweet!!!"

"Couple Dress up, arrange accessories, smile at each other, I'm dead, don't need to save me!"

"I feel like I'm really knocked out, isn't it true that it's so sweet?"

Soon, this animated picture was stolen by the marketing account. The sisters of Oatmeal looked at the picture that appeared on their Weibo square, and only felt like crying without tears. Originally, the same high-definition style is already terrible, and it is still coming. Such a moving picture, isn't this forcing the little house sister to tear it?

However, Jiang Mochen's fans became agitated not as quickly as they thought. Except for some grumpy fans online at the beginning, most of the fans just made reasonable complaints and did not attack Yan Qingchi, let alone the meaning of tearing.

For Jiang Mochen's fans, Jiang Mochen and Yanqingchi's coffee are in a big gap, so they and Yanqingchi's family are not in the same position. They still take the initiative. They feel that the price is lowered, so unless Yanqingchi's family speaks badly, they will not lower their worth. of. Otherwise, if you bind and become an opponent, when others talk about Jiang Mochen, they will think of Yan Qingchi, that is really helping the poor.

However, one or two of the oatmeal sisters were afraid that the little house sister would be angry, so regardless of the forum or Weibo, they restrained their hands and spoke carefully. Speaking of the same brand of clothes, they said that the two people wore different styles; they said that they wanted to get a new title, they said it should be just to attend this golden laurel award, they said that they match, the animation is sweet, they Say thanks to President Jiang for taking care of him and congratulate President Jiang on winning the actor.

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