Part 159

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 They reached the top of the mountain with flags at noon. Mo Xiaoxiao naturally took Zhang Ningwei and ran a long way away, shouting at them, "Brother Jiang, Brother Yan, you draw the flag first, you finish drawing Let's go over again."

Yan Qingchi looked at her in a strict guard, for fear that he and Jiang Mochen would be conciliatory, helplessly walked to the side of the flag and pulled it down.

"You can come here now."

Mo Xiaoxiao took Zhang Ningwei and ran back again. She smiled and looked at Yan Qingchi before reaching out and pulling out the other flag.

Yan Qingchi and Mo Xiaoxiao raised their flags one after another, the director recorded the time, and everyone took a group photo on the top of the mountain. Everyone shouted "Yeah" and fixed their hard work and joy over the past three days in the photo.

The way back is much easier than when they came, because there are cars to pick them up. When Zhang Ningwei and Mo Xiaoxiao saw the car, they almost felt that they had seen the hope of being alive. They chanted long live modern life, four wheels to change the world. Then quickly got into the car, enjoying the beauty of not having to walk.

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen were a little slower than them. They were not as tired as Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei, so they looked at the mountain of this test with a little reluctance and got on the car without any haste.

The bus drove all the way out of the mountain and carried them back to City G. The staff told them that there is no other itinerary today, and they can have a good rest in the hotel booked by the program group in advance, relaxing and relaxing.

The four found out that they were the first to complete the test. Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei evaluated the strength of each group before they came. They felt that they were like this, and they were probably in the bottom place if they were not paying attention. They turned out to be second. Both girls were shocked and kept struggling. Thanks to Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen.

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen themselves are also a little confused. To be honest, they don't have a strong sense of competition along the way. Otherwise, they won't be able to find a chance to see what's around them every time they eat and rest. Interesting, even if it doesn't, I have to take this opportunity to stay alone for a while. Compared to the test, Yan Qingchi felt that he and Jiang Mochen were more like going out for an outing. He didn't expect to get the first place. He was a little surprised at the moment. He said to Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei not to thank him, and smiled unconsciously.

After all, everyone has been tired for a few days, so after a brief talk, they took the room card and went to rest. Yan Qingchi took the room card and swiped the room between him and Jiang Mochen, and saw that the room was not big, and as soon as he entered the door, he could see that there were two beds in the room, just like an ordinary standard room. He walked in, took off the bag, and lay directly on the bed.

"Let's take a rest, and then let's go eat!"

Jiang Mochen walked up to him, looked down at him, and asked him, "Are you tired?"

"It's okay, but I guess other people are tired ."

"I guess so. "The

facts are indeed as they expected. The other groups were obviously more tired than they were. Some guests even went back to the hotel room and fell asleep directly, never coming out of the room again.

When Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen went downstairs to eat in the evening, they met Li Mo and Li Bozhong who also went down to eat.

Li Mo was very enthusiastic when he saw them. He waved his hand and ran over, "Long time no see, brother, I heard that you two are the first."

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