Part 171

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  Last year, because Yan Qingchi was pregnant, they did not go out to play chess for their birthday. Instead, they held a party at home and invited their friends to play together. Chess and chess were very happy. The children chased each other and wiped each other's cakes. In the end, each one became a small cat.

This year, Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mo discussed, "Or take him out to play? Chess is not about boating. Let's go to the playground, so we can boat."

"But Yanyan can't go to the playground yet." Jiang Mochen said. .

"We can go out to play with Chess first, and then we will eat together in the evening. Chess birthday, parents must also want to spend with him, then let your parents, my parents and sister Xingchen have a clean Come here from Xidu, so that the inkstones can also eat with us


"Okay , I'll tell the hotel in advance to let them arrange the venue." "Yeah." Yan Qingchi said.

When Qiqi went to school the next day, when he arrived at the door, a classmate in the class gave him a gift. Then Qiqi realized that his birthday was approaching.

Seeing him look dumbfounded, Bo Yan knew that he hadn't realized that his birthday was coming before, so he knocked on his head and said, "Little confused."

Chess was not annoying and asked him, "Yanyan What about the gift you prepared for me?"

Boyan gave Chess a children's bicycle. He likes bicycles, so he gives gifts to his good friends and thinks it is best to give them a bicycle. Bo Yan originally planned to give Chess a children's car, but Chess already had it, so he went back and bought a bicycle. In fact, seriously speaking, Boyan chose a motorcycle at first, but Bofeng rejected it.

"This car is so wild, and you can ride it almost the same way. Chess is a good boy, not suitable for this style of painting. Don't bring other people's little soft candy into a little stone like you."

So Bo Yan is very logical. Pointing to the motorcycle road, "Then you buy this for me, you just said, I'll ride it right."

"Good boy, I have learned how to push the boat along the river." Bo Feng patted him on the shoulder, "It's really a bit of your father and my cleverness, let's buy one for you."

So, the witty Dr. Yan was giving chess While Qi bought a birthday present, he also bought himself a new car.

In addition to giving Qiqi a bicycle, he also gave Qiqi a comic book drawn by himself. ——This is the habit of two people starting from the time that chess gave him comics on his birthday. Chess was happily accepted, and he said, "You will come to my house to play at that time."

"Yeah." Bo Yan nodded.

The other children also gave out their gifts and asked him, "Chess, can we go?"

"Yes." Chess looked at them and replied happily, "You can all come. When the time comes, we will play together."

Everyone cheered and discussed what to play when the time comes.

Yan Qingchi went to pick him up in the afternoon, and saw him walking over with many children, with the school teacher by his side.

Yan Qingchi still didn't understand what was going on. Chess had already ran in front of him, holding a plush husky in his arms and said to him, "Dad opened the back door and I received a lot of gifts. Everyone helps me bring them. a. " "

so much. "Yan Qingchi he opened the back door, while he boasted," it seems very agreeable chess you like ah. "

chess bit embarrassed, he puts his hands holding the Huskies inside.

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