Part 14: Arcade

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There was a row of claw machines not far away. Yan Qingchi glanced over and found that the two on the side were shorter than the others, and the settings were somewhat different from those next to them. They seemed to be specially designed for children.

He asked Chess, "Do you want to catch a doll?"

Chess leaned over and took a look, then pointed to a white puppy inside to show him.

"You like this?" Yan Qingchi asked him.

Chess nodded slightly.

Yan Qingchi handed him the game coin in his hand, "Put this here, and then you can grab it by pressing this piece." He taught Chess.

Chess did what he said, dropped coins in, and then started to grab the doll, but he hadn't played much before. The claw machine flicked a few times and barely touched it, the time was up.

Chess looked up at Yan Qingchi in confusion.

Yan Qingchi helped him throw another coin, "Do it again."

Chess held the handle and caught it again, but still didn't catch it.

Yan Qingchi took a look and pointed him to a turtle that seemed to be

easy to catch, "Try to catch this." Chess was very obedient and put down his claws to catch, but just fell off as soon as he caught it. .

Chess was a little unwilling, turned his head to look at Yan Qingchi, "Do it again."

"Okay." Yan Qingchi smiled and threw another coin for him.

Chess pressed the handle and stared at the little turtle without blinking. After grabbing it, he moved cautiously to the exit. The result was about to arrive. The claws loosened and the turtle fell.

"Do it again." Chess continued.

He released the handle, clapped his hands, and then took a small breath, holding his breath to start a new round.

Yan Qingchi watched him pursing his mouth, his eyes were about to close to the claw machine, and he didn't realize that he was a little frightened.

Finally, the paw hovered directly above the exit, and the tortoise fell straight down after pressing the release button. Chess happily knelt down and took out the little turtle.

This tortoise is not big, only the size of his slap. Chess is holding the little tortoise and looking at it carefully, then turned around and handed the tortoise out.

Yan Qingchi watched him stretch out his hand and handed the tortoise to him, and asked, "Give it to me?"

Chess nodded, a pair of cat's eyes curled up, eyes full of joy.

Yan Qingchi took it and squeezed, "It's cute, Chess is very powerful."

Qiqi smiled shyly and lowered his head.

"Since you gave me a doll, I will give you one too." Yan Qingchi said.

He looked at the row of claw-grabbing machines and asked Chess, "Which doll do you like? Or do you want that puppy?"

Chess raised his head, looked at it seriously, and pointed to a larger white little one. sheep.

"OK." Yan Qingchi finished speaking, and put a coin in.

He shook the paw in the claw machine, felt the touch, and then grabbed the lamb directly.

Chess immediately leaned over, grabbed the claw machine, watched nervously, and then saw the lamb fall down.

He looked up at Yan Qingchi with a little sadness. Yan Qingchi smiled, "It's okay, I'll catch it next time." Chess nodded and made a firm "um".

Yan Qingchi caught it once, and almost understood the doll machine, and began to directly use his doll-catching skills over the years, and soon he caught the sheep.

He handed the sheep to Chess, "You give me the little tortoise, I give you the little lamb, and this is for you."

Chess was still immersed in the surprise that he suddenly caught the lamb, some of them didn't react and were dumbfounded. Looked at him.

Yan Qingchi poked him in the face, "Do you want another one?"

Qiqi immediately looked into the claw machine, and then pointed to the little bear inside.

Yan Qingchi naturally helped him catch the little bear again.

Chess pointed at the rabbit inside.

Yan Qingchi grabbed him, and said, "The last one, or it's too much, we shouldn't get it back."

Chess obediently responded with a satisfied expression.

Yan Qingchi grabbed the rabbit and handed it to him. He looked at him holding the three dolls with both hands, with a happy appearance, and thought it was good.

There are too many dolls here, but he does not intend to catch too many. In many cases, more does not mean good, and the right is the best.

They hugged the doll and went to the area next to it. Because of the reasons that many adults can't participate in the project, the Chess selections are all simple, parent-child interactive projects.

He even drew a picture, which made his clothes and hands a little dirty. He looked at Yan Qing Chi with some anxiety. Yan Qing Chi stretched out his hand that was also covered with paint because of the painting, and placed it with him. A row, whispered: "It's all dirty."

Qiqi looked at him, Yan Qingchi smiled, "Let's go, let's wash our hands." After playing for a day, both of them were a little hungry, Yan Qingchi asked on WeChat he asked Jiang Mochen, did he go home for dinner?

Jiang Mochen looked at WeChat and replied: No.

Yan Qingchi didn't ask any more, lowered his head to ask Qiqi what he wanted to eat. Qiqi hugged his baby and looked at him obediently.

"Want to eat hot pot or stir-fry?"

He thought for a while, "Either go to eat hamburger and fried chicken?"

Qiqi was asked by him, and he didn't know what to say, so he had to look at him quietly.

Yan Qingchi has always been patient with him. He had experience in taking care of children before crossing, so when facing chess, he would know how to wait more than Jiang Mochen.

He listed his alternatives to Chess again, "Hot pot, stir-fry, or fried chicken burgers? Which one does Chess like?"

Chess didn't know how to answer. He looked at Yan Qingchi with a mouth tight. Tight. He was afraid that what he said was what Yan Qingchi didn't like, but he didn't know which one Yan Qingchi liked, so he didn't know which one to say.

He remembered what the dean's mother said to him when he left with Jiang Mochen, "You have to be good, listen to Dad Jiang, don't confront Dad Jiang, understand?"

Chess nodded, "I understand."

"Be smart ." One point, do what Dad Jiang likes, don't do what he doesn't like."

"Yeah." He nodded obediently.

He knows what to do. He has heard Xiaojing cry to her little friend and say that she shouldn't talk so much. Originally, the new mother planned to take her away, but she said too much and her mother found her It was not the child she wanted, so she couldn't take her away.

Xiaojing cried very sad, Qiqi heard her cry, and felt sad too.

He lay on the table, thinking that he would not be the same as Xiaojing. He would control himself, not talk much, and be a child that the new mother and father liked, and he would definitely leave.

But now, when he looked at Yan Qingchi, he didn't know what Yan Qingchi liked, and what he answered, Yan Qingchi would like it.

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