Part 25: Amusement Park

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Yan Qingchi called Chess to get up early the next day, ready to go to the playground.

As a public figure, Jiang Mochen disguised himself with cosmetics and glasses before setting off. When he came out of the room again, Yan Qingchi was shocked. He stepped forward and looked at the people in front of him carefully, "Handsome guy, who are you?"

" Who do you say I am?"

Yan Qingchi did not return to him, and reached out to poke Chess, "Chess, Who do you think he is?"

"It's father." Qiqi said seriously.

"You can recognize this." Yan Qingchi was a little surprised, "Hot eyes and golden eyes." Jiang Mochen helplessly, "I also took him out in this costume. Once he was born and secondly matured, he has seen him two or three times. Don't remember."

Yan Qingchi glanced at him, how he felt that the person in front of him was different from the Jiang Mochen he had known before. After changing clothes in different styles, he looked younger and more lively . His appearance was modified to make him handsome. It was weakened into delicate and beautiful, coupled with a pair of black-framed eyes that looked very thoughtful, and added a bookish atmosphere. It is really difficult to associate Jiang Mochen like this with Jiang Mochen on TV.

"Did you look like this when you were in school?" Yan Qingchi asked curiously.

"Thinking about it." Jiang Mo Chen to see him, "This is the camouflage fills, go to school, I like more than it is now handsome."

"Really? After that and so came back, I look at the photo of the times your students."

"If you want Mei." Jiang Mochen rejected him, played chess, "Let's go."

Shengfei Amusement Park is the largest amusement park in X City. There is always no shortage of tourists here, especially during winter and summer vacations.

Jiang Mochen looked at the crowds in front of him, "I said let Sun Sheng seal the garden for one day, you must not let it, now it's alright, so many people."

"What do you know, the fun of the amusement park is that it is crowded and lively. Besides, Sun Sheng didn't give you the VIP pass, and we don't have to line up. Don't you think that watching everyone line up on the side, we go VIP to play directly? Is it cool?"

"So, this is why you base your happiness on others' suffering?"

"Oh, it doesn't harm others anyway. As long as we are willing to spend money, anyone can be a VIP. We also rely on our own ability. Take the VIP and let's go." Yan Qingchi beckoned, "Choose a project to play."

However, no matter how well Yan Qingchi thought before he came, how to play with children and how to play without children, it's really true. It's a big difference. Sitting on the carousel, Yan Qingchi felt the ups and downs of his Pegasus. He looked up at the roller coaster that was not far away. He didn't expect that one day he could be so close and so close to the roller coaster. Yuan, just as he never thought that he was too old and would play the carousel with chess and chess.

Yan Qingchi was melancholy, and saw Jiang Mochen standing not far away with his hands in his pockets and a casual look. Seeing him turning around with Chess, and taking out his mobile phone to take pictures of them, Yan Qingchi turned his head depressed. , I saw Qiqi sitting on the horseback, happily watching the little Pegasus he was riding.

"Is it fun?" he asked.

Chess nodded.

Yan Qingchi smiled and stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, "You like it." After playing the merry-go-round, Jiang Mochen showed the pictures he took to Qiqi, and Qiqi asked him, "How about dad? Didn't you take pictures of dad? "

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