Part 117

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  After Zhou Yixing sent his sister home, he was about to leave, and when he turned around, he ran into his elder brother. He hurriedly called out brother, but as soon as he uttered this sentence, he received a punch.


Yixing touched the corners of his aching mouth and couldn't believe it, "What are you doing, you are crazy." Zhou Yicheng picked up his collar and pushed him against the wall. "Well, Zhou Yixing has learned You pried someone else's corner, why? You studied abroad for a year, so you just learned how to return to China to be a junior."

Zhou Yixing was startled and almost blurted out. Thanks to his rare reaction, he swallowed the words before speaking, looking at Zhou Yicheng timidly.

When Zhou Yicheng saw him like this, he knew that what Jiang Mochen said was true. How could he have such an unbelievable younger brother with this dog.

Zhou Yicheng looked at him and said fiercely: "Remember Zhou Yixing for me. I don't care about you if you want to play or be crazy, but if you dare to do anything that affects me and our family, I am the first to abolish you."

Zhou Yixing hastily Shaking his head, "No, brother, I won't."

"Then stay away from the Jiang family. Don't think that I don't know your thoughts, and put away your influential thoughts as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the Jiang family does something What? Just wait for me to push you in a wheelchair to see Jiang Mochen."

Zhou Yixing thought this was a bit harsh, but he didn't dare to talk back to his elder brother, so he nodded and answered obediently, "I won't."

"That's the best." Zhou Yicheng took his hand and said indifferently, "Don't you want to go out? Get out of the way, save your eyes."

Zhou Yixing left in a hurry, he got into the car, slapped the steering wheel fiercely, and growled angrily There was a cry, panting. He felt angry, hated, hated Zhou Yicheng, and also hated Jiang Mochen. He was afraid of Zhou Yicheng, he did not dare to touch Zhou Yicheng's negative scales, but Zhou Yicheng didn't want to offend Jiang Mochen, so in the end, he could only endure it.

Zhou Yixing found it ridiculous. In the past, he just endured it, endured Zhou Yicheng at home, and endured those who the Zhou family didn't dare to offend outside, but why can't others endure him! Why, he has to endure others!

He drove the car angrily, drove out of Zhou's house and drove to his apartment.

Zhou Yixing entered the door angrily, carrying the fast-food bento he had just bought downstairs in the community. He heated it up in the microwave, and then carried it to a closed door.

Zhou Yixing took out the key and opened the door, and looked inside. The room was completely dark and there was nothing. He reached out and turned on the light, and the difference in this room was also exposed.

This is a very simple room, with no furniture or furnishings, just a bed, a bedside table, and a wardrobe. For the rest, nothing. If this kind of arrangement appears in an ordinary family, then there is no problem, but it appears in Zhou Yixing's apartment, it is not quite right.

Zhou Yixing looked at the opened quilt, and the anger in his stomach instantly turned into an angry anger. He walked to the closet, opened the sliding door, and saw that the person who should have been on the bed was hiding inside.

The man was wearing a thin white pajamas, shivering, curled up, head down, unable to see his appearance, only his shoulders were constantly shaking.

Zhou Yixing became even more angry when he saw him like this. He dragged the person out, dragged him to the ground, and said angrily: "This house is just such a big place, just such a thing, you fucking want to hide Where do you go? Why, you want to stay in this cabinet for a lifetime, okay, you can stay here in the future, five, ten, twenty years, if you like it, you will stay for the rest of your life!"

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