Part 150

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 Yan Qingchi hugged Jiang Mochen for a while, only to realize that they had been standing, pulling him to sit down on the sofa.

"Have you eaten?" Yan Qingchi asked, "Let's eat something."

Jiang Mochen did not eat. He drove all the way over because he wanted to see Yan Qingchi as soon as possible. He did not go to eat after arriving, but directly. Came to his room. Therefore, he nodded, "Just right, we can have a bite together."

"Okay." Yan Qingchi ordered the meal and waited for the waiter to bring it up.

Jiang Mochen asked him, "Mo Jianying was fired?"

"Well, Director Fu knows, she can't tolerate this happening in her crew, so she fired Mo Jianying."

"What about his role?"

"He himself There is only one scene left. I changed it and changed it to my one-man show. The part of the previous shooting is retained. After all, it is very troublesome to make up and reshoot, and there are a few scenes, I played very well, Fu worried If I remake, I can't find that feeling. I didn't perform well before, and it's not good for me and the movie."

Jiang Mochen nodded. Fu Minzhi's worry is not unreasonable. Many times acting is like creation, inspiration and excellence. The play is at that moment. If it is retaken, it is indeed a punishment for Mo Jianying, but the loss and uncertainty faced by the retake are too great. Fu Minzhi didn't want to miss Yan Qingchi's very spiritual shots, and he didn't want Yan Qingchi to take this risk, so that's all.

"Let's do it, Fu's worry is reasonable. Mo Jianying was not caught by the anti-pornography and anti-drug program, and it will not affect the film's screening. It's just that if something like this happens, his shots will definitely be deleted, but this is also true. It doesn't matter, most of the films will cut a large number of shots when the film is over. So you don't have to worry, just leave it to Director Fu to deal with."

Yan Qingchi said, "I don't. Worry, I'm an actor, I'm only responsible for acting well, and the rest is the director's business."

Jiang Mochen smiled, "You have a good mentality."

"When did I have a bad mentality?" Yan Qingchi asked. he.

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, it seemed that there was really none. He reached out and touched Yan Qingchi's hair, "Then you are great."

Yan Qingchi looked at him slantingly, and said, "What are you doing, when I am a chess player." Is it?"

Jiang Mochen helplessly put his hand on his shoulder, "Do you know what it means to kill?"

Yan Qingchi was a little surprised, "This trick can also be used on boys?"

"Of course not ordinary male friends. , But are we ordinary male friends?"

Yan Qingchi could not, silently took his hand up and put it on his head, "Then you can touch it."

Jiang Mochen: "..."

Jiang Mochen couldn't help but smile. , He didn't touch his head anymore, but directly kissed Yan Qingchi, "Why are you so cute?"

Yan Qingchi said: " are happy."

" Right ," Jiang Mochen suddenly thought, "Why do you want Send out the recording twice, and send it out directly the first time, so that everyone can understand the whole process? Guan Mei asked you to divide it twice?"

"Of course not, it's just in our conversation Mentioned you, I told you, he thinks I like you, and he also said about your visit to the class on the first day of the new year. Wouldn't it be even more bloody if it were released, so I cut the audio , I cut off that section. I originally wanted to send the two together. Guan Mei said that it seemed like I had done something, otherwise, why would the audio be missing? It's not good for me. Let me post first. In the paragraph, she said that someone would definitely say the latter, let me play the latter audio, and then I will play it again, so that no one will notice a cut in the middle, and sure enough, everyone didn't notice it."

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