Part 131

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 "Yes, Brother Chen and I are in the same company. When I was in the crew, Brother Chen also took care of me. Brother Chen is a very good predecessor. I worked with him in the first play. I also learned a lot. The crew also has the best relationship with him." Yan Qingchi said.

The host nodded, and when it was almost time, he signaled them to enter.

Seeing that the host only interviewed Jiang Mochen, the director and Yan Qingchi, Ji Sixing was somewhat dissatisfied, but because of being in public, he did not show it.

A few people entered and took a short break in the background. Yan Qingchi wanted to go to the bathroom, so after talking to Jiang Mochen, he left first.

He walked in the direction of the bathroom, and when he reached the corner, a person just turned out and almost collided with him.

"I'm sorry." The other party quickly said.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, "Chen Xuanlang."

Chen Xuanlang was also taken aback, "Yan Qingchi! Are you getting better?"

Yan Qingchi nodded.

"You are really amazing. What's the matter? You have a good rest for a year? It's still in the ascendant period. You are really courageous."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "It's just that I'm not feeling well, but I'm all right now. a. " "

that's good. but you have very good luck, a film, a TV series, all red, still attached to play, not only did not let you fall behind, you also directly to a PC, you luck, who is not a. " "

so you do not worry about me. "

Chen Xuan Lang sighed," nothing like, I really thought you were out of what South orange contradictions, but also we asked Sun to find, but for seeking reassurances and Sun The company has nothing to do with your personal reasons. I should believe those rumors on the Internet."

"You can ask me directly."

"I didn't mean that you had rested for more than half a year and didn't participate in anything. It's the same as being hidden in the snow. If you really have a physical problem, at this level, it is probably not a minor illness. I am afraid you will feel uncomfortable if you ask."

"I'm not so squeamish."

"But Nancheng treats you pretty well, you want to take a one-year rest during your ascent period, but it really gives you a one-year rest. You don't know, some companies, as long as you don't fall, You have to take a good shot, it's not about human relations."

"Yes, so I also think Nancheng is very good." Yan Qingchi thought for a while and added, "When my appointment is full, I will renew my contract with Nancheng."

"Let's take a look first. What is good now does not mean good in the future. If you have the ability, of course, it is best to open your own studio and be your own boss."

I am almost the boss now, Yan Qingchi thought, I have a boss. Half of the assets.

Chen Xuanlang's cell phone rang, and he frowned in annoyance.

Yan Qingchi asked him, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, are you going to the bathroom? Go ahead, I'll take care of something." After

he finished speaking, he went to the other side with his mobile phone and looked at Yan Qingchi. Looking behind him, I think he seems to have something on his mind.

After Yan Qingchi came out of the bathroom, he never met Chen Xuanlang again. It was almost time. They left the backstage and entered the hall one after another. They sat in accordance with the names of the seats. Although Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen are the same crew, they did not sit in the first row because of the huge gap between the positions. Only Jiang Mochen and Director Wang sat in the first row, and everyone else sat in the second row.

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