Part 143

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 Su Qing gave her mother the phone, and Su's mother took a picture of them together.

In the photo, Su Qing is innocent and beautiful. Yan Qingchi is standing next to her, reaching out and making a comparison on her head-like a rabbit ear.

He told her what Jiang Mochen had said to him about Su Qing last night, so that she must consider carefully when she is an adult. Su Qing nodded obediently, and promised him, "Don't worry, Brother Lin, I promised you that if I want to make a film when I grow up, I will tell you, and you can remind me again."

Yan Qingchi She feels that she treats herself a little like her brother, obedient, sensible, quiet, and well-behaved. He smiled unconsciously and said

softly , "Okay." Su Qing smiled softly, the little dimple looked particularly intoxicating. .

Not long after Su Qing's finalization, Jiang Xiaoming was also finalized. Jiang Xiaoming and most of the male compatriots in the crew played very well. He happily took a group photo with everyone in the crew, and picked a few people he likes. A separate group photo.

Before leaving, he pulled the three martial arts alliances, Yan Qingchi, Qi Ruan, and Fang Tuo, and said, "Remember to miss me." The

three nodded, and Yan Qingchi touched his little bald head reluctantly. He studies hard.

Jiang Xiaoming's head grew louder when he heard the study, and he reluctantly left while yelling to stop talking.

After sending them away, Yan Qingchi watched the variety show "The Best Partner" sent to him by Guan Mei in his spare time. The two paired together to travel abroad and compete in games. He thought that that day Mo Jianying asked him and Jiang Mochen who were playing chess? He didn't want Chess to be an unclear identity every time he visited the class. He felt that Jiang Mochen was right. The two of them should indeed pave the way for them.

"Let's take it, it's just a few months?"

"Listening to the program group said that it was initially scheduled for late April, but it hasn't been determined yet."

Yan Qingchi was relieved when she said that, in late April, at that time It should be finished, and there is no problem with rolling variety shows.

"Except for this variety show, what are your plans for the second half of the year? Would you like to take a TV series or other movie?" Guan Mei asked him.

"Do you have a suitable notebook?" Yan Qingchi asked.

"I'm still watching, do I need to make sure that your time is okay?"

"Yes." Yan Qingchi said, "but I hope the script can be better. If it is fair, then forget it."

"Okay, I met the right one to tell you."

"Yeah." Yan Qingchi finished speaking, hung up, put his phone aside, and continued to concentrate on reading the script.

Mo Jianying is about to finish in these two days. He is the person who has the biggest name in this crew except Fu Minzhi. Although he is not the male lead, but with his glorious experience, everyone will call Mr. Mo when he meets it.

Yan Qingchi has been filming with him for the past two days. He feels that Mo Jianying is worthy of being an old senior and can always give him a lot of useful advice. Sometimes his words can give you instant enlightenment.

Yan Qingchi admired him very much, so every time he thanked him politely, "Thank you Teacher

Mo. " Mo Jianying liked his obedient and sensible appearance, and smiled, "You are welcome."

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