Part 119

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 When Jiang Mochen went home to cook at night, Yan Qingchi told him about it. Jiang Mochen was taken aback, and then smiled, "This is a coincidence."

"Yes, since Guan Mei has already talked to Director Fu." Okay, I'll see her tomorrow."

"Well, let Zhang Quan take you there."


Fu Minzhi chose a coffee shop. When Yan Qingchi went there, there was no one here. The coffee shop The boss of is a little girl, who looks like she is in her twenties. Seeing him come in, she asked and took him upstairs. As soon as Yanqingchi arrived on the second floor, he found that Fu Minzhi had arrived. At this time, he was sitting on the sofa by the window looking at the drawings.

The little girl gave him a please gesture and left by herself. Yan Qingchi took out her mobile phone to check the time. He was indeed not late, even 20 minutes early, but Fu Minzhi arrived earlier.

He walked over and sat down opposite Fu Minzhi, only to realize that what Fu Minzhi was looking at was the little story he drew for chess.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be to mrq," Fu Minzhi saw him sitting down, and he was not polite, and went straight to the subject to talk about painting. "To be honest, I know it's you, but I feel more relaxed."

Yan Qingchi laughed He laughed and didn't say a word. Of course he knew what Fu Minzhi meant by saying this. He was an actor, not a very powerful actor, but Fu Minzhi was a director, a very powerful director.

"So, I want to invite you to paint again. Your agent should have told you that I have a new movie about to start. You can audition for my male lead. If it is not suitable, I can also give you a supporting role. "

This is indeed a very tempting condition. Not all directors will audition publicly when choosing roles. Sometimes they already have suitable candidates in their hearts, so they will only issue audition invitations to those they think are suitable. . Now that Fu Minzhi gave him this invitation, Yan Qingchi found it really tempting, especially since the other party promised that even if it was not appropriate, he could give him a supporting role.

However, Yan Qingchi was a little helpless, "I'm sorry, first, since you already know that I am to mrq, you should know who this mrq represents. These pictures of mine are for chess and for my children. Yes, so I can't paint for other children. This goes against my original intention. Second," Yan Qingchi smiled sadly, "Your conditions are indeed very attractive, and I am very moved. , But I won't accept any movie appointments this year, so even if I really want to participate in your movie, this schedule is really inappropriate."

Fu Minzhi didn't understand, "What are you going to do this year? Why can't I film?"

"I feel a little sick, so I need to rest for a year this year."

Fu Min looked at him up and down, "With all due respect, I think you look much healthier than me."

Yan Qingchi smiled. Laughing, "Do you think I need to lie to you on this matter? What is your status? If it is not a last resort, why would I refuse to accept your play appointment?"

Fu Minzhi did not speak any more, Yan Qingchi This sentence was right. She knew her position too well, so she felt that the matter was easier to solve after learning that the other party turned out to be Yan Qingchi. After all, it may not be easy for a director to impress a freelance painter, but it is much easier for a well-known director to impress an actor who has just debuted. Therefore, if Yan Qingchi is not really unwell, then there is no reason to refuse him. ——Rejected her, next time, I don't know when, there will be a leader willing to give him this kind of guarantee.

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