Part 43

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 "Wuyuan," Jiang Mo Chen seriously said: "After my double hot search, in addition to and Yan Qingchi, others, directly dismissed, I got married thing you know, I do not want to cause unnecessary misunderstanding."

"Caused Who needlessly misunderstood? Does Yan Qingchi care about him so much?"

"You don't need to worry about these, you just need to remember."

"Okay, I'm eager."

Jiang Mochen finished listening to him and hung up the phone and gave Yuan Mingxu fought over.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Mingxu asked him.

"Hot search is yours to buy it?"

"Well, my agent said, I'm not in the country for a while, so I need to fire a bit to let everyone know that I'm back."

"So, you have already arranged it. "

Yuan Mingxu , but didn't tell me." Yuan Mingxu was a little surprised, "Isn't it the same before? I thought I didn't need to tell you."

Jiang Mochen sneered, "Yuan Mingxu, we are not in the same company, and you are not from Nancheng. I'm not obligated to cooperate with your hype. You didn't have to tell me before, not because you didn't use it, but I was willing to cooperate with you, but now, I can't cooperate with you like this anymore. This is the last time we have appeared on hot search together. From now on, If there is a second time, I will do business directly here."

Yuan Mingxu was a little unclear, so he said anxiously: "Why?"

"Why?" Jiang Mochen thought his question was ridiculous, "Others don't know that I am married. Don't you know? I told you about our meeting this time when I went to see you before. I didn't tell him. Now that you are so blatantly binding me to the hot search, are you afraid he doesn't know? "

I didn't." Yuan Mingxu quickly defended in a low voice, "I didn't realize it."

"You didn't realize it?" Jiang Mochen smirked, "Did you not realize it? Or did you not take what I said seriously? Is it because I have always been too gentle with you? So I said between us Need to avoid suspicion, you shouldn't always come to me, do you think I'm just talking casually? Near. In the next second, you will post @我 on Weibo, and the team's buying hot search and buying marketing account will push the whole network. Yuan Mingxu, you must tell you clearly that you will keep your distance from me in the future and respect my marriage. Don't come to me for nothing, and don't tie me up. We are two independent people with no responsibility or obligation. So please take care of yourself. I don't take the initiative to contact you, and you don't take the initiative to contact me. This is only satisfactory. right? "

yuan Ming Xu shocked, holding his cell phone, and my heart grievances and uncomfortable like billowing bubbles, a stacked layer of the rise," you say? marketing hype has always been the normal means of entertainment, Even before the two of us operated like this, why should you call me so unbearable."

"That's you, not me! I've never brought other people's marketing hype before, but you want to borrow my popularity and rub my popularity. , That's why I'm pulling my hype. I didn't say it before, it doesn't mean it's normal, I owe you, but at that time, I want to help you. But you shouldn't be so ignorant, knowing I'm carrying He came to see you and bought such a hot search! What do you want him to think? When you did this, you didn't think about what will happen to me when I see it, and what will happen to him when he sees it?

" I said that I didn't expect it, I didn't realize it. It's fine for you to explain to him. You didn't say that others are good, then he should be able to understand. Everyone is in this circle. He should understand, right?

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