Part 107

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Yan Qingchi watched all the way. He didn't walk in a hurry. It was no different from before. Chess carried his pocket and pointed to the front to show him, "It's our cart."

He looked back at Yan Qing. Chi, Yan Qingchi responded with a smile, "Yes, Chess is really smart, you can see it at a glance."

"Then let's go faster." As Chess said, he took his hand and moved away from his own little boy. Ran short legs.

When he moved, the people behind also moved.

Yan Qingchi threw the bag in his hand almost in an instant, picked up the chess, and said warmly: "Chess, Dad will play a game with you, you close your eyes and count from one to a hundred. Yes, I can't count anymore, so I'll go back and continue counting from the beginning. Wait until Dad says to open his eyes, then open his eyes, okay?"

Qiqi immediately closed his eyes, covered his eyes with his little hand, and said softly "Yes."

Yan Qingchi praised him, "Really good."

He was speaking at chess, but his eyes were at the person in front of him. Eight people, almost as I guessed.

"I'm not afraid of danger, little brother." The man with a scar on the corner of his mouth could not help but smile when he saw that he was still in the mood to coax the child at this time.

Yan Qingchi listened to the chess and counted in a low voice, "Six, seven, eight..."

He raised a hand to cover the chess's ears. Although the chess was a bit strange, he was still counting intently. Did not ask him why.

Yan Qingchi smiled and said, "You want to target me, it has nothing to do with the child. Let me carry him into the car first, can you?"

"That's not good, who knows what's in your car, in case you take it out What to do with a knife. Don't worry, we won't touch the child in your arms, what a cute child, and I can't bear it. You can just put him on the ground."

Yan Qingchi didn't believe his nonsense. Who knows if they will threaten themselves with chess.

He doesn't want to fight with people at this time. One is that chess is still there, and he doesn't want chess to see these bad things; second, there is still one in his stomach. From the doctor to the two mothers, and then to Jiang Mochen repeating to him every day for the first three months, the most important thing to pay attention to is that Yan Qingchi listened a lot, and couldn't help worrying about whether fighting with others would affect the baby at this time.

He thought for a while and asked, "Do you know Jiang Mochen?"

"Jiang Mochen? That big star, what's the matter, I'm afraid he won't succeed?"

It seems that he doesn't know the Jiang family, then, "Do you know Wei Lan? ""

The man in the lead chewed these two words slowly, and finally sneered, "Stop the damn nonsense, you offended Brother Lao Tzu's friend, it's useless

if you move out." Big brother Zhou Qiang is here now, so when he hears Wei Lan, he will realize that something is wrong, and there will be no future things. However, Zhou Qiang had listened to Yuan Mingxu's nonsense and did not investigate Yan Qingchi. He only regarded him as a small star of the 18th line. He even felt that it was not worth it to deal with a Yan Qingchi, so he only sent his own. Come here, brother.

Yan Qingchi heard what he said, and knew that this person was probably just a low-level gangster, and he didn't know enough about Wei Jia, so Wei Lan hadn't even heard it. He was a little unable for a while, and it seemed that this fight could not be avoided.

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