Part 71

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Wei Lan curled his lips, "You can give me some of your dishes."


"Why are you so uninteresting?"

"This is a game. If I give it to you, the rules will be messed up."

Wei Lan saw Therefore, he stopped talking, put his egg back into his pocket, and gingerly clutched it in the car.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, only to think that he was really unnerving.

After a while, other people returned to the car one after another, and several people took the car to the Huoyanyan Hotel. Chen Xuanlang looked at Yanqingchi, Li Meng and Lin Zhi in the car and asked them, "What did you buy?"

Li Meng bought cucumbers and potatoes, and Lin Zhi bought vegetables and cucumbers.

Yan Qingchi opened his bag, which contained tomatoes, eggplant, beans, potatoes, and broccoli.

Chen Xuanlang was shocked, Li Meng was shocked, and even Lin Zhi was a little surprised, "Why do you have so many?"

"The aunt who sells vegetables I met is pretty good, and he gave me two yuan for everything. The money is a catty."

"That's a bit too much."

"She said that their home scale is broken, and they estimate the price directly."

Lin Zhi looked at the vegetables in the bag and said with envy: "Envy."

Li Meng He sighed, "Maybe look at your face, you look handsome."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "That's pretty good." A

few people soon arrived at the hotel and followed the program team's instructions to the second floor to prepare for competition. .

This competition is divided into two parts: cooking and cleaning. Those who cook stay on the second floor, and those who clean go to the first floor. Sun Xun and Chen Xuanlang took the lead in investigating who can cook. Only he and Yuan Mingxu on Sun Xun's team said that they would. Sun Xun looked at Yang Xiaoxiao. In his impression, Yang Xiaoxiao seemed to be able to cook too. I don't know. Why didn't it make a statement. But because each team must have three people to cook, Sun Xun still ordered Yang Xiaoxiao to stay.

Yang Xiaoxiao shook his hand, "I'll go downstairs to clean, let Wei Lan stay."

Sun Xun raised an eyebrow, Wei Lan was also a little surprised, Yang Xiaoxiao looked at Wei Lan, "Sweep the floor? Drag the floor. Have you washed the dishes? Have you wiped the glass?"

Wei Lan scratched her head embarrassedly.

Sun Xun suddenly felt that she was still a girl with a careful mind. It was obviously easier to wash vegetables than cleaning. It is estimated that it would only add chaos to let a young master like Wei Lan, who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui.


Okay , Wei Lan, I and Yuan Mingxu will stay for cooking, smile you and go downstairs." "Yeah." Yang Xiao smiled and nodded, looking very happy.

Sun Xun thought she was a little weird today.

Compared with Sun Xun's team, Chen Xuanlang's team is much simpler. Chen Xuanlang can cook by himself, and Yan Qingchi can also. Jiang Hanhui volunteered that she can also a little bit, so it is natural that they three One stayed on the second floor, and the rest went to clean the first floor.

Several people arranged the process and started to take action. Jiang Hanhui was in charge of washing the vegetables, Yan Qingchi was in charge of cutting vegetables, and Chen Xuanlang was in charge of cooking. Yan Qingchi has a good knife skill. While cutting vegetables, he can also spare time to catch a glimpse of Wei Lan who is washing the vegetables. Only when he sees him quietly is relieved.

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