Part 42

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Yan Qingchi shut down Weibo and replied to Wei Lan: Come alive? Isn't this person dead, is there something to burn paper?

Wei Lan replied almost in seconds: You are still in the mood to care about my emoji, shouldn't you care about the top of your head first?

"Hair is thick, no hair loss trouble for the time being." Yan Qingchi returned him.

Wei Lan: ... Am I fucking asking you this! Can't you see Jiang Mochen Private Meeting Yuan Mingxu! The top of your head is so green!

Wei Lan: [Look at you so poor, give you a green hat jpg]

Yan Qingchi smiled, "Why do you care about me so much?"

"It's not too much to watch the excitement." Wei Lan returned his expression of eating melons.

Yan Qingchi helpless: Are you free?

Wei Lan: Don't worry about him, what's going on? Why did you let Jiang Mochen go to a private meeting with Yuan Mingxu, don't you know that Jiang Mochen liked Yuan Mingxu before? Damn it! You don't really know it! That scumbag Jiang Mochen didn't tell you?

Yan Qingchi: ...

Wei Lan: During the newly-married and passionate love period, when the husband went out to privately meet his ex-boyfriend, is it a moral loss or a distortion of human nature!

Yan Qingchi thought for a while: isn't it an ex-boyfriend?

Wei Lan: No, the two have never been together. So you really don't know?

Of course Yan Qingchi knew, but he was a little curious how much Wei Lan knew: Tell me what you know.

Wei Lan is very generous, not at all embarrassed: Let me tell you, it's particularly bullshit, it's a story that he loves him, he loves him, and he loves no one! Jiang Mochen likes Yuan Mingxu, Yuan Mingxu likes Zhou Yixing, Zhou Yixing steel straight man, playboy, no one loves it!

Yan Qingchi: Oh.

Wei Lan: So I have always been a little curious about how Jiang Mochen married you.

Yan Qingchi: The right time and place are right for people.

Wei Lan asked him: So do you know that Jiang Mochen went to private meeting Yuan Mingxu today?

Yan Qingchi thought about it, and he knew it. Yesterday morning, Jiang Mochen said that he was going to see a friend today, but he didn't say it was Yuan Mingxu.

He remembered Jiang Mochen's sentence, "Because I need to adjust the time, I feel a little troublesome." Heh, it's still high-sounding, it's for time, it's for people.

Yan Qingchi chuckled lightly, a liar.

He replied to Wei Lan: He only said that he was going to see a friend.

"Fuck, is this an ordinary friend! Unexpectedly, Jiang Mochen, who looks like a human, can do this kind of scumbag thing!"

Yan Qingchi felt that he was right, so he applauded.

"Don't applaud me, you are educating him, aren't you quite able to say it?"

Yan Qingchi was about to answer. Yu Guangzhong saw a familiar figure walking towards him, so he didn't edit the text. Instead, he directly pressed the voice button.

"It's not necessary," he said. "The relationship between the two of us is that we get divorced if we cheat. There are no other feelings, and it's not that whoever leaves can not live."

Jiang Mochen's footsteps stopped, he looked down. Yan Qingchi, who was looking at the phone, did not know who was on the other end of the phone, but he knew that he was talking about the two of them.

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