Part 83

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 Liao Sibo knew what Yuan Mingxu had done, but after seeing Jiang Mochen's words, he couldn't help but knock on Sun Xun and asked him what was going on. They must be outside the circle like Sun Xun. The circle is clear, and then Sun Xun simply said. After Sun Xun finished speaking, Liao Sibo was stunned. How could this be the sensible and well-behaved Yuan Mingxu he knew who needed to be protected? This is simply a two-sided little top who talks to others, hell and hell.

Liao Sibo was still a little injured because of this. He felt that he had been deceived, and he was dying to wonder if they might have misunderstood, but soon the little brain on his neck was rarely used-he and Jiang Mochen Growing up together, he knew exactly what kind of person Jiang Mochen was. Even when he made a mess in front of him that time, and went to him for reconciliation afterwards, Jiang Mochen didn't embarrass him, just scolded him and talked to him. Speaking clearly, asked him to apologize, and turned this page. Yuan Mingxu made him so angry, he must have done something excessive.

Liao Sibo thought of this, and sighed, "You said how could this person suddenly become like this, he was not like this before."

"Who knows, maybe it's an out-of-balance mentality, or it's like this, and it has not been exposed before. After all, he had been quite moist before, although Zhou Yixing did not respond to him, but Mo Chen was kind to him."

"Is Zhou Yixing coming back soon?"

"Yes," Ren Xu nodded, "I didn't send a friend a while ago.

Circled , do you think it is related to Yuan Mingxu ?" Liao Sibo thought for a while, "Yuan Mingxu should be very happy, he likes Zhou Yixing so much."

"Who knows, but whether he is happy or not has nothing to do with us. After he finished speaking, he looked at Liao Sibo with a smile, "Am I right?"

Liao Sibo: " your meal, it's just you who worry a lot."

"You are not stupid yet."

"Ren Xu, you Besides, I really beat you."

"Just you? I beat you almost."

Yan Qingchi naturally had no idea about the attitude of the small group centered on Jiang Mochen towards Yuan Mingxu, and he even had no idea what Jiang Mochen said and did behind his back. He just feels that Wei Lan has really paid too much for himself this time, so he invisibly embraces the waywardness and mischief of his occasional whim on the set like a younger brother, cooperates with his performance and calls him passionately.

In addition, Yan Qingchi checked the date displayed on his mobile phone, and the day he and Jiang Mochen met finally arrived.

As the guest of publicity for the final two issues, Jiang Mochen's publicity started to warm up before he officially recorded it. The program team gave his identity keywords to his image. Netizens quickly guessed that it was Jiang Mochen, and they rushed to tell each other that Jiang Mochen wanted to record "Come on!" friend! "The news became a hot topic.

"No, President Jiang is really going to record "Come on! Friends!" Isn't President Jiang not fond of variety shows? Why this time?"

" Did not Yuan Mingxu said that he hoped that President Jiang would come to record?

Could it be because of this?" "Keep it down, Sister Sunshine can circle the earth twice without adding up. Sun Xun, as the resident of "Come on! Friends!", also said that he hopes Mr. Jiang will come, why It can't be because of Sun Xun."

There are divergent opinions on the answer to this question, and in the end they all tend to be because of Sun Xun. The program team also announced Jiang Mochen at this time and said "Come on! friend! "Welcome to him.

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