Part 120

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   Yan Qingchi was a little confused when he heard Jiang Mochen say that he was going to audition in early April, "Didn't I tell Director Fu that my schedule is not suitable and I can't participate in the audition?"

"You go to the audition first. If the audition passes, then The filming can be postponed."

Yan Qingchi looked at him with a look of suspicion, "Did you go to Director Fu?"

"Telephone communication."

Yan Qingchi felt a little helpless and moved, "What I told you that day was true. If I miss it, I will miss it, and I won't care too much."

"Yes," Jiang Mochen looked at him, "I don't care too much, but I still care, don't I?"

Yan Qingchi couldn't help being said by him. He retorted and had to lower his head and smile.

Jiang Mochen stretched out his hand and hugged him, "You are on the rise this year. You shouldn't have stopped for other things. If you didn't have this child, this year would be your key card year. You stand firm. The road in the future will be smooth and you will be unstable. You still need to keep working hard. It's just because of the sudden visit of this child that you have to stop your steps. This is actually quite unfair to you. After all, the child belongs to the two of us. , But you have to bear and give more than me. So Fu Minzhi's opportunity, I don't want you to feel sorry for missing it. If you really don't care at all, don't feel sorry, then you missed it, but , You obviously still care a little, don't you?"

Yan Qingchi felt that he was really rare and careful. He had hidden it well, but he still saw it. What a pity? Of course it is a pity. Do you want to play? Of course I want to play. One day, he will disclose their relationship with Jiang Mochen. At that time, he hoped that he had some achievements. After the disclosure, netizens said, "They are together, it is quite suitable", not everyone. They were all surprised, "They turned out to be a pair? What did Jiang Mochen like about him?".

When he first entered the entertainment industry, he just hoped that he could make more money, but slowly, as the relationship between the two people warmed up, he also had more ambitions, and hoped that he could achieve certain results here. It's just that he has always been casual, even if he is ambitious, he will not be too forceful. This child did come a bit suddenly, but he is the child of himself and Jiang Mochen, so he is of course more important than everything else, so he is willing to do this Children abandon other things, but if fish and bear paws can have both, then it is naturally better.

"Thank you." Yan Qingchi said, "Although I will not regret if I miss it, but it is indeed a happy thing to get it."

"You are happy." Jiang Mochen said gently.

When Jiang Mochen went to work the next day, he asked Guan Mei to come to his office. Guan Mei guessed that it was because of Yan Qingchi, and it turned out to be the case.

"Do you think I shouldn't let him see Fu Minzhi?" Guan Mei asked Jiang Mochen.

Jiang Mochen looked at her, "He is your artist, and you naturally have the responsibility and obligation to help him pick the show. You don't want to miss a director like Fu Minzhi. You want your artist to have a better future. This is normal. , I also understand, I called you here, just to remind you, do you remember what I told you when I chose you as his agent?"

Guan Mei looked at him without speaking.

"I said that all his play appointments are his own. He has the right to refuse. This time, you bypassed me and told him directly, it's nothing, because you are his agent, you just need to treat him Just be responsible. But, you know that Fu Minzhi is looking for him to invite painting, and he will not violate his principles to paint for other people. Without communicating with him and with his permission, you can do it without authorization. Fu Minzhi agreed on the time and place. Do you think this is appropriate?"

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