Part 188

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Yan Qingchi thought for a while, and said softly, "Before we meet, you should have investigated me?"

Jiang Mochen didn't expect that he would ask this, and wanted to admit it, but was afraid that he would feel that he had violated his sex in this way. Some words are blocked.

Yan Qingchi smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, this is normal operation. Change to me and I will do the same."

"You don't need to be angry."

"I'm not angry," Yan Qingchi looked at him. "So, you should have found out, there are many differences between the data I investigated and yours."

Jiang Mochen nodded.

"Aren't you curious why?"


"Then you don't ask me?"

Jiang Mochen looked at him and said softly: "Because you have the right to retain your own sex."

He held Yan Qingchi, speaking clearly and clearly. With a trace of tranquility and peace, "Everyone has their own sex. Since you hide this side of you and don't want others to see it, then there must be your own reason. If you want, I can know , You will always tell me. Or if we stay together longer, old husband and old wife, and talk about these things, you will be willing to let me know. For me, as long as you are clear, you will not hurt Me, you and me are not for another purpose, you like me, it is enough. The rest is your right as an individual of Yanqingchi, I respect your right."

Yan Qingchi looked at He felt that he could have such thoughts, it is also very powerful, "You can see it really open."

Jiang Mochen smiled, "To be honest, I am not a very curious person, compared to the reasons for many things, I care more about its results. Just like we don't know why you have inkstone, but I don't care why? I only know that we have inkstone. This result makes me very happy."

He looked at Yan Qingchi, "You are not a coy person. There are many things, even if I don't ask, you are willing to share with me. And this matter, you have not told me why, then it proves that it is not A secret that you can easily share. The two of us, including this year, are only the fourth year of knowing each other. This time is neither long nor short. It is not long enough to make me feel that I have the qualifications. Ask something you want to hide. It's my own secret to get up. If we get along a little longer, in the sixth, eighth, and tenth years, I might ask you if you want to tell me, but now, I don't think I have the qualifications. . " "

you are so exercise self-discipline, is really surprised me. "Yan Qingchi Care of thought for a moment," if I could be waiting for you that one day they told me, but certainly not think we get along If you don't have enough time, I just feel that I don't have enough to trust you. I hope that one day, you can trust me completely. This way."

"This is normal," Jiang Mochen looked at him, "So you are Yan Qingchi and I am Jiang Mochen. "

Yan Qingchi nodded, "You're right."

He tapped Jiang Mochen's leg and asked him, "Are you still holding it? Are you tired? I'll go down when I'm tired."

Jiang Mochen hugged him tightly and shook it. Holding his hand, "Don't go down, don't you want to tell me your secret? Just say it, I will listen."

Yan Qingchi leaned into his arms obediently, "Then I said it, you Don't be surprised."

"Let's talk."

"It's this era, and you're an actor again. You must know the word traversal."

Jiang Mochen was startled, "Are you not from our era?"

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