Part 72

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Twenty minutes later, the two teams started shooting arrows in turn. Sun Xun's red team started first, followed by Chen Xuanlang's blue team.

Wei Lan took the lead, drew the bow and shot the arrow, hit the bullseye, and got a very good result directly, which was a good start for the red team. Immediately after, Sun Xun's results were also pretty good, seven points. Because Yuan Mingxu had played before, he also scored seven points. He was very satisfied and smiled unconsciously. When he turned his head, he looked at Yan Qingchi in an unintentional and provocative manner.

Yuan Mingxu doesn't know much about Yanqingchi. All he knows is the good information about Yanqingchi people from Jiang Mochen and Sun Xun, as well as some information about Yanqingchi's past The information-this does not include deliberately erased by the tube.

Therefore, in Yuan Mingxu's view, Yan Qingchi is an ordinary graduate of the science class who graduated last year. Luckily, thanks to the two families who had set up a baby kiss, even if the Yan family is no longer anything, they still successfully married Jiang Mochen and entered Nancheng.

Yuan Mingxu is somewhat despised by Yan Qingchi like this. He feels that everything he has depends on Jiang Mochen to obtain. If Jiang Mochen had not escorted him, then how could he have entered the "Lost" crew, How could it be possible to catch up with "Come on! friend! "This kind of popular variety show. He completely forgot at this time. After he met Jiang Mochen, Jiang Mochen also gave him advertising resources, magazine resources and even film and television resources.

In Yuan Mingxu's understanding, Yan Qingchi did not have any outstanding skills and talents, but was born with a good skin. Yuan Mingxu looked at him and wondered how many shots he could shoot in this short twenty-minute practice. Where's the ring? He learned archery when he went out to play with Jiang Mochen. I don't know if Jiang Mochen also taught Yan Qingchi.

He was thinking when he saw that his team had all shot the arrows, the staff counted the scores, and it was the blue team's turn to play.

After seeing Wei Lan hit the bullseye, Chen Xuanlang's team was demoralized for a while. In order to cheer everyone up, Chen Xuanlang asked Yan Qingchi to play first.

Yuan Mingxu looked at him and asked Sun Xun, "Have Yan Qingchi played this before?"

Sun Xun shook his head, "I don't know."

"As the first person, if his grades are not ideal, will it affect everyone's morale?" Yuan Mingxu finished speaking, sighed lowly, "I hope he has good grades. Right."

Sun Xun didn't hear what he meant, but just nodded following his words, "Hope."

Then he saw Yan Qingchi drew his bow, and Wei Lan was the first second he saw his movements. , I know that Yan Qingchi should have played and be good at archery. After all, the layman is watching the excitement and the expert is watching the doorway. Wei Lan is also considered a half expert. When Yan Qingchi stops, he can almost do Know his grades.

Sure enough, Yan Qingchi let go, his bow hit the bullseye, and Wei Lan raised his eyebrows, he knew.

And Yuan Mingxu, who was standing with Sun Xun, had his eyes widened. He couldn't believe why Yan Qingchi hit the bullseye directly. The information he read before did not say that he was good at archery. It was Jiang Mochen who took him to play in the days after the wedding, so he shouldn't have been able to learn in such a short period of time. Yuan Mingxu gritted his teeth, feeling puzzled and unwilling.

Sun Xun breathed a sigh of relief and unconsciously said: "He is quite powerful, now their team looks more energetic."

Yuan Mingxu: "...Yes, yeah."

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