Part 126

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It was the next morning when Yan Qingchi received a call from Wei Lan. Wei Lan said, "I have sent him away, but he didn't return to his hometown. He didn't dare to go back, so he chose a new place. I won't be back in the future."


"Before Yuan Mingxu left, let me convey his apologies to you two. Although I think you may not need it, but he said it all, I'll pass it on. Here you are. "

Yan Qingchi laugh the next," I do not need, not what he'd done an apology can be forgiven, but I do not need to forgive him, anyway, and they will not goodbye. " "

Yes, So let's just do it, I'm done with things, and I'm going to work on other things."

"Well , let me get in touch if I have something." Yan Qingchi finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Wei Lan looked at the phone in her hand and sighed. He remembered what Yuan Mingxu said when he left, "I never felt that I was wrong before. I think how could I be wrong. If Yan Qingchi did not show up, if Jiang Mochen still Treat me as before, don't I still live beautifully? Until I was locked up by Zhou Yixing, and I lived in his house one day and every day, I realized that Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi were simply compared to Zhou Yixing. angels, so they hate me, do not ever thought of using this means to me? but weeks in a row it? "Xu yuan and Ming wry smile," he said he liked me, is really ridiculous, ridiculous. "

he Looking at Wei Lan, "Will you help me apologize to the two of them? I know that neither of them wants to see me now, and maybe they don't need my apology, so I don't bother them, I will go far. , Never come back, never show up in front of you again. Thank you!"

Wei Lan put the phone back in her pocket and walked back to solve a Yuan Mingxu, he still needs to deal with a week.

Zhou Yixing parked the car under a tree not far from Wei's villa, and people leaned against the car, waiting for Wei Lan. Wei Lan asked the driver to stop the car in front of him and went on. Zhou Yixing saw him, rushed to him, and asked him, "Where did you send others?


"Sent away." "Where did it go?"

"This is not something you should take care of."

"Wei Lan, this is a matter between me and him, why should you intervene?!"

"Ping Yuan Mingxu kneeled in front of me and begged me to save him, relying on him. He doesn't want to die. You know it's you and him. I thought your jailer had been working for a long time, and I almost forgot that the prisoners in the prison were also individuals."

Zhou Yixing was taken aback.

Wei Lan looked at him, "Didn't you say that you don't like him in front of your friends? What do you do with him? Or do you want to tell me that you like him? The way you like a person is like watching a dog. You look at the other person,

if you don't like it, you have to fight or scold it?" "You don't like him anyway, so why bother with this." Zhou Yixing said angrily.

"He doesn't rush to me, I don't know anything, I naturally don't care. But he kneels in front of me and begs me, I am not you Zhou Yixing, I am not the right person, I don't like him, but he Why do you deserve to be played by you alive, what qualifications do you have?"

Zhou Yixing's mouth was a little bitter, he looked at Wei Lan, and said with difficulty: "Just as I beg you, can you tell me his address?"

"I How can I tell you?" Wei Lan asked him, "Will you marry him after you get him back? You won't, your family won't let you marry someone with no background like him, and you don't like it. He has no power and no power, so even if you chase him, what's the point. Zhou Yixing, Yuan Mingxu is just an ordinary person, he can't play with you, he even knows that if he goes to the police now, he may not be able to catch you, so He chose to leave and let me find someone to send him away. He finally wakes up once, and you should wake up too." After

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