Part 75

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Wei Lan was shocked, "Why don't I speak well? Isn't I speaking Chinese?"

Sun Xunfufu said, "Your parents must spoil you very much."

"That is." Wei Lanhao is not humble.

I saw it, Sun Xun thought, otherwise he wouldn't be able to spoil such a character.

However, Sun Xun really misunderstood that Wei Lan's character was not spoiled by his parents, but was purely used by his brother. When Wei's parents were busy with their careers when they were young, they barely had a family. Wei Lan followed Wei Xun every day. Wei Xun is strict with Wei Lan, but he is used to it. As long as Wei Lan does not do things that Wei Xun expressly prohibits, Wei Lan will ask Wei Xun for him. Even when he was a child, Wei Lan was tired from running up and down, so she didn't want to go up the mountain and asked Wei Xun to carry him. Wei Xun always told him to be disobedient, while carrying him on the top of the mountain, and then down from the top of the mountain. . As for Wei Lan, she lay on his brother's back comfortably, and even sang a song to his brother to cheer Wei Xun on.

Since childhood, Wei Xun knew that he was different from ordinary children, and knew that the entire Wei family and family business had to be handed over to him in the end. So he has been very strict with himself since he was a child, and he has lost a lot of childishness and joy since he was a child. For this reason, he put the share of joy he had lost to Wei Lan. He didn't want Wei Lan to live with responsibility like him. He didn't put any pressure on Wei Lan, let go and let Wei Lan do whatever he wanted. What he did, even if Wei Lan entered the entertainment circle first and then played, Wei Xun just used his own power to let him play happily in this circle.

For Wei Xun, he does not need Wei Lan to have any big ambitions, or even Wei Lan to work hard to accomplish something. There is only one life in his life. What he hopes is that when Wei Lan's life is about to end, he looks back on the past , I feel happy, no regrets, no grievances, it is all smooth sailing, carefree and happy. that's enough.

As for him, he will always stand behind Wei Lan, always watching him, not let him run to an out-of-the-ordinary track, not let him stumble, he will shield him from the wind and rain, and will also sweep him away. He will always protect him and accompany him for the stumbling block blocking the road. So Wei Lan doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to follow his own ideas and enjoy life in this life.

Yuan Mingxu finally became the one who was left behind, everyone else has passed the test, and only he is still practicing. The teacher was a little puzzled, and asked him, "Did your teammates teach you? Didn't I think they were teaching each other?"

Yuan Mingxu smiled helplessly, looking as if he could not tell .

The guests returned to the room one after another. He was the only one left to watch the show, and it was too difficult for him to really jump to Tianming alone. So they greeted the teacher and asked her to pass Yuan Mingxu's pass, and waited for it to be broadcast on TV. Just don't cut his shots.

The teacher saw that the program group said this, although he felt that he did not respect his dance, but he agreed.

If Yuan Mingxu was pardoned, he thanked the program team and hurriedly returned to the room, but he still felt that everyone had passed, so he did not, and he was very embarrassed. He returned to his room, feeling a little uncomfortable. He felt that the recording this time was much harder than he thought. But when he thought that Yan Qingchi could do it, he gritted his teeth and decided to continue.

Lying on the bed, Yuan Mingxu suddenly remembered the time when Jiang Mochen chased him. Although he didn't say it clearly, his actions always made people feel very warm. Yuan Mingxu thought, if he didn't leave at the time, then Jiang Mochen still likes him now, then maybe the character in "Lost" is himself, "Let's fight!" friend! "The resident of this variety show is also himself. When he thinks about this, he feels very sorry, and he is a little angry with Jiang Mochen, don't he like him? Why did you marry someone so soon? He also signed him to his company and gave so many resources.

Yuan Mingxu felt unwilling. He couldn't see Jiang Mochen and couldn't talk to him, so he thought he would meet Yan Qingchi. He wanted to see what kind of little goblin was this coquettish bastard who hooked Jiang Mochen from himself to him as soon as he appeared. See what is good about Yan Qingchi, talk to him by the way, and see Jiang Mochen through him. . Yuan Mingxu was still a little nervous thinking about this. Tomorrow is the last day. Tomorrow night he will go to Yanqingchi. I don't know if Yanqingchi will agree to him.

But it doesn't matter, Yuan Mingxu thought that if Yan Qingchi didn't agree, then he would naturally have the next move.

The next day, the new game started. After the time-finding hourglass and paintball contest, everyone finally entered the "coming battle!" friend! "The representative link-grab wooden cards. This time the location is an elementary school in city f. The person who finds the golden key can still suspend the time. If neither party finds the golden key within the specified time, then directly count the number of people.

Before the game started, Wei Lan said in front of his teammates: "Give me Yan Qingchi's wooden cards. Except for me and the captain, don't get close to him to grab his wooden cards."

He finished speaking and watched. Xiang Yuan Mingxu emphasized: "Everyone."

After all, this is the most severe physical collision in all games, and it is also the most easily injured link. If Yuan Mingxu wants to sell porcelain, then the most likely is Choose this link.

Yang Xiaoxiao was the first to agree: "Okay, but Wei Lan, be careful, Yan Qingchi is very swift."

Ruan Wenxuan wanted to take the opportunity to fall into the rock, but he soon realized that Wei Lan and Yan Qingchi seemed to have a good relationship. It is estimated that after he said, Wei Lan would only think that she was unpleasant, so she didn't speak.

After Wei Lan emphasized, when he heard the sound of the beginning on the radio, he looked at Sun Xun, "Let's go Captain."

Sun Xun had to continue playing games with the young master in the team, but Yuan Mingxu and Yuan Mingxu didn't want to. Being with Wei Lan, it was a rare choice to be with other people.

When Chen Xuanlang, Dai Hongzhuo, Li Meng, Jiang Hanhui heard that they were entering the wooden sign robbing session, they were relieved collectively, and even put on a smile of victory in sight. The two publicity guests were unknown, so Chen Xuan Lang looked at Yan Qingchi, "It's your show time, Hero

Yan ." Yan Qingchi was a little embarrassed, "This time it's difficult," he honestly said, "If Sun Xun and they let Wei Lan stare at me, then I guess I can only deal with him."

Chen Xuanlang became worried when he heard the words, "It's finally hard for you to come to my side. Can our team still not win?"

"I will try my best."

There was a voice urging several people to start fighting, and Yan Qingchi and others immediately dispersed. Yan Qingchi and Chen Xuanlang went up to the second floor together to find the box, but as soon as they went to the second floor, they ran into Wei Lan and Sun Xun. When Wei Lan saw Yan Qingchi, his eyes lit up, flying towards him, Yan Qingchi turned and ran downstairs.

When Chen Xuanlang reacted, Wei Lan had already chased him down. He was dumbfounded for a while, and when he looked up, he found that Sun Xun was coming towards him, and Chen Xunlang was so scared that Chen Xuanlang immediately ran downstairs. Sun Xun scared him Two steps, laughed, didn't catch up, but entered the classroom and started looking for the keys.

Yan Qingchi ran very fast, but Wei Lan's speed was not too slow. He saw that Wei Lan was about to approach him, so he could only accelerate and ran forward, and Wei Lan also immediately followed. They were so angry that their camera brother kept shouting, "You two slow down, slow down, we can't catch up."

Yan Qingchi turned around and shouted to Wei Lan, "You slow down, did you hear that the camera brother can't catch up? "

Wei Lan is confident," "You slow down first, you slow down and I will slow down."

"If I slow down, won't you slow down?"

"Am I such an unbelieving person?

" Okay."

Yan Qingchi stood still in front of the flower bed, breathing for a breath, saw Wei Lan also stopped.

The cameras of the two of them hummed and chased up with the camera.

"Why are you chasing me?" Yan Qingchi asked Wei Lan.

Wei Lan looked at him, "I won't chase you? Who else do you expect to chase you?"

"Either this way, we gentleman

agree , I won't grab your wooden sign, and you won't grab me." Let me talk to the team, saying you handed it over to me."

Yan Qingchi said with affection, "We two are in a crew, why bother fighting like this."

Wei Lan moved with reason, "I don't stare at you, others People stare at you, don't you worry?"

Yan Qingchi heard what he meant at once, the secret road Wei Lan's careful thinking was really delicate, and she was afraid that others would play tricks on her.

"But, it doesn't make sense for the two of us to be so stalemate?"

"Well, let's try and see who can get who." After

Wei Lan finished speaking, she was eager to try and rush forward.

Yan Qingchi couldn't, and waved at him, "Come on."

When the cameraman was carrying the camera to find a suitable shooting angle, he saw the artist he was filming with and the artist who was filming with the other party were walking with you and me. trick.

Both personalities are very fast, the moves are neat and clean, one dismantles the other block, the other reaches for the object, and the other cleverly avoids. The cameraman looks at the opponent's wooden sign and feels like he is watching a martial arts movie. The little fresh meat that I have been filming for so long is not a fresh meat idol but a star star!

While shooting, he couldn't help but cheer for Yan Qingchi secretly in his heart.

But when Yan Qingchi got down through the move like this, he also saw that if he didn't fight Wei Lan seriously, he would probably be inseparable from Wei Lan in a short time, but how could he fight Wei Lan seriously? It's still recorded, if he wins Wei Lan, Jiang Mochen does not doubt that he will not say it, those who secretly stare at Wei's family should also come to him for cooperation.

So Yan Qingchi immediately withdrew his hand and ran forward.

Wei Lan was simply surprised, "Why are you running again!" He said and ran after him.

Yan Qingchi had to run with him one by one, ran a circle around the school, and then sat on the parallel bars.

Two people sitting on a bar, young and youthful, it is very pleasing to the eye, if you don't look at the two people looking at each other with helplessness.

The broadcast of the end of the game sounded at this time, and Yan Qingchi finally breathed a sigh of relief, even feeling relieved.

He looked at Wei Lan, "Let's go, return to the team."

Wei Lan can only nod, "Let's go." The

two jumped off the parallel bars and returned to the gathering point. This time Chen Xuanlang's blue team won, and the red team needed to draw lots to decide the punishment.

What Wei Lan drew was a punishment drink. He almost spit it out after taking a sip, and his eyebrows were frowned together, "What is this, it's so ugly."

Seeing this, Yan Qingchi reached out and took his drink. , Drank it for him in one breath.

Wei Lan was surprised, "You, what are you doing?"

Yan Qingchi put down the cup, drank the mineral water next to his mouth and rinsed his mouth, "Nothing, I promised your fans to take care of you. We were two teams before. If I can't take care of you, I can only take care of you now."

Wei Lan actually felt a little moved. He looked at the staff and said, "Can you drink on your behalf?" The

staff looked at him, how dare you say no? , I only nodded, "Yes."

So the other people on the red team who drew the penalty drink immediately began to sell miserably, and one by one asked the blue team to drink it, and some people who got other punishment also asked, "That What about me? Can someone punish me?" The

staff member smiled, "No, you can't." The

double standard is very obvious.

At the end of the show, the mvp of this issue was won by Chen Xuanlang, who won two wooden plaques in the wooden plaque competition. Chen Xuanlang sang a song as required and won his own prize.

Everyone thanked the sponsors of the show and ended the recording happily.

Chen Xuanlang was still the first to leave, and everyone else was on the plane the next morning.

Wei Lan sat in Yanqingchi's house and asked him curiously, "Did you say that Yuan Mingxu will come to you tonight?"

"I don't know."

"Come on, he's been on this variety show. Can't really just have a lap."

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, "Anyway, he is quite

calm so far." "What do you know, this is the tranquility before the storm. The calmer it looks, the more it shows that he is brewing a big move. "

Forget it, don't think about it so much.

If you should come, you will come naturally. If you shouldn't come, you guess these are useless. Let's go and eat." Wei Lan stood up, "If he comes to you, you will give Let me just say it."

"You really don't think it's too big to watch the excitement."

"Yeah, haven't I always been this person?" Wei Lan is confident.

Yan Qingchi was helpless, "Let's go, you gossip little prince."

"You can talk more than Sun Xun, you also know to call a gossip little prince, Sun Xun will only call me a paparazzi. Am I such a handsome paparazzi? Hey, by the way, do we call Sun Xun for dinner? Isn't he a friend of Jiang Mochen?"

"Call it," Yan Qingchi closed the door, "But if he and Yuan Mingxu have already gone out for dinner Well, then forget it."

"Hey, he can have dinner with Yuan Mingxu, he has a good temper, and put me aside, it is estimated that Yuan Mingxu doesn't want to eat with me."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "You are quite self-aware. . " "

you have the face to laugh at me? " "

I'm not laughing at you, I like you, yuan and Ming Xu and I guess we do not want to eat. "

Yan Qing-chi and Wei Lan said as he walked forward, this time He didn't know yet. When he came back from the meal, he would see the aggrieved Yuan Mingxu, knocking on his door with his own reluctance and unreasonable words, and discussing his feelings with him.

Therefore, he can have a good dinner before being disgusted by Yuan Mingxu's shameless rhetoric.

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