Part 113

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 In March, when the chess school started, Yan Qingchi was free to take him to school. Chess is rarely picked up by him and Jiang Mochen, so it is very novel. He took his hand and asked him, "Dad, are you not going to work?"

" You won't go for a while," Yan Qingchi said warmly.

"When do you go then?"

"Wait until next year."

Chess stopped and looked at him, his eyes lit up with excitement, "Then Dad can stay with me for a long time."

Yan Qingchi smiled and pinched. Squeezing his face, "Yes."

Qiqi happily opened his arms at him, "Daddy hug."

He just finished saying this, and realized something, and put his hand down, "Oh, forgot. , My father said that he could not let his father hug the chess, then the chess hug his father." After

he said, he opened his arms and hugged Yan Qingchi again, rubbed his waist, raised his head and smiled at him.

Yan Qingchi was amused by his series of actions, rubbing his hair, "Chess is so cute."

The driver Jiang Mochen assigned to Yan Qingchi is called Zhang Quan, who is about 30 years old and looks very capable. He has been in contact with Yan Qingchi and Chess for a while. Chess is not unfamiliar to him. When he sees him, he politely greets him, "Uncle early."

"Chess early." Zhang Quan responded very cooperatively. he.

Then turned his head to look at Yan Qingchi, "Should you send the young master to school today?"

"Yes." Yan Qingchi said, "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's just your job, sir. You are polite."

Yan Qingchi heard him call. Mr. Own, he was relieved. After all, in the beginning, Zhang Quan called his wife directly. Although Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen would call each other Mr. and Mrs. on weekdays, this is the fun between husband and wife. Nowadays, he is still a little embarrassed to be called by others, so he said on the spot, "Change the name, you call it that. , I am a little embarrassed."

Zhang Quan said with some worry, "What do you call Madam? You can call me Aquan, can I still call you

Achi ?" Yan Qingchi has no opinion on him calling him that way, but he has no opinion, and does not represent Jiang Mochen. No comment, Yan Qingchi didn't even have to think about it, knowing that if Jiang Mochen heard Zhang Quan calling him that, his face would be pretty. So he shook his head, "This won't work."

"Then how do I call you?" Zhang Quan asked him.

Yan Qingchi thought for a while. The name and surname sometimes felt like a command, but if it was only Qingchi, Jiang Mochen himself called it that way, and he might have to be jealous again. Qingchi couldn't work, even Xiaochi couldn't.

In the end, he can only be called Mr. Zhang Quan has no objection to this title, and the two have settled.

After sending the chess, Yan Qingchi asked Zhang Quan to go back to the community. The two agreed to pick up the chess in the afternoon, and Zhang Quan left.

Yan Qingchi has been idle lately. He went home and simply listened to music-according to Jiang's mother to cultivate the baby's musical sentiment, while drawing.

The drawing is very simple. It is a children's story for chess. Each page is drawn into four grids, and a story is about ten pages. Chess is very popular. Every time I watched it, I shook his hand and asked what was behind him? Yan Qingchi asked him to wait, saying that he would give it to him the next day.

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