Part 55

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Jiang Mochen fumbled in his pocket, took out a handful of candy, grabbed his hand, and placed it on the palm of his hand, "After eating, tell me and I will send it to you."

Yan Qingchi looked at that he had no more than ten in his hand . The number of digits of candy, chuckles, "Then you can start sending it today."

"You save some food, eat one a day." Jiang Mochen was helpless.

"Mr. Jiang, are you worthy of your worth when you say this?"

"It's fine if you are worthy of you."

Yan Qingchi was speechless and put the sugar in his pocket. He noticed that Jiang Mochen looked at him and seemed to hesitate. Asked him, "What else?"

"No, be careful on the road."

Yan Qingchi nodded and got out of the car. He looked at Jiang Mochen sitting in the car, his eyes seemed to be a little sad, after thinking about it, he closed the car door. When I leaned in and hugged him, "Goodbye." He said, then he let go and closed the car door and walked into the airport without looking back.

Before boarding the plane, Yan Qingchi posted a final Weibo: finalize, thank you all for your care and help! Then I posted a few photos, including a group photo of the whole group, a photo of him and Jiang Mochen, and a photo with Su Nuan.

Yan Qingchi got on the plane and shut it down after sending it out. When he got off the plane and turned on his phone, he cut the trumpet and prepared to scan Weibo. He saw that the city cp group he had added before was crying and shouting. .

The candy is not sweet: "How come it's finished!! I'm be so soon! [大哭][大哭][大哭]"

Feng Chuantang had no mercy: "It's just a finalization, there is always time to meet! Qingchi I also posted a photo with President Jiang. Don't cry, Candy Sister, come to

eat candy ." Candy is not sweet: "I can't eat it anymore. I don't know when the two will meet when I think about it, so I don't want to eat candy. , I just want to chuckle." The

sky is not too late: "It's me."

Yan Qingchi was a little bit dumbfounded, saying goodbye to crying, how could it be so miserable, and we will meet soon.

However, he was thinking when he saw a row of exclamation marks suddenly appeared in the group.

A chestnut: "Report!!!!!! President Jiang has a candy!!!"

Yan Qingchi was a little surprised, huh?

Qing breeze came slowly: "Go and see, President Jiang reposted Qingchi's Weibo, Mingming Qingchi did not have @江总, President Jiang also reposted him, I have a reason to believe that Chengchi is real!"

Little Penguin circled: " It's true, President Jiang actually reposted it! Compare it to some people's open @, hot searches have been posted, Premier Jiang is ignored, and I'm so close!"

"Hahahaha, is Sister Penguin talking about the main palace? , I just laughed to death. There is no harm if there is no comparison."

Yan Qingchi left the group and clicked on his trumpet homepage, and he saw Jiang Mochen reposting his final Weibo before boarding the plane.

Jiang Mochen v: Come on, keep working hard, Meng Luo has done a great job. @燕清池: Finished, thank you for your care and help! [Picture]

Yan Qingchi quickly cut his own tuba, and replied to him: Thank you Brother Chen, I will continue to work hard [selling cute].

After he sent it out, watching Jiang Mochen's sentence Meng Luo did a great job, he slowly became a little happy.

On the other side, the city CP group became lively again.

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