Part 130

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 On November 26, the Golden Guild Awards officially announced the shortlist. The "Lost" crew had four nominations: Best Picture, Best Screenplay Liu Meng, Best Actor Jiang Mochen, and Best Newcomer Yan Qingchi. On the same day, Fu Minzhi's studio official announced that Yan Qingchi was the male lead of the new play.

Fans of Yanqingchi received two good news in one day. They were so excited that they couldn't organize their language properly. They could only express their joy by screaming "ahhhhh".

"Golden Gui Award nominations plus Fu Minzhi's new actor, is this kind of surprise real? My brother is amazing."

"I was already very surprised when I got up in the morning and saw the nomination. I didn't expect a bigger surprise in the afternoon. My God, the letter girl would like to be a vegetarian for a month,

and I will get the prize for my brother." "As long as my brother can win the prize, I can not eat meat this year!"

"Let's keep a low profile. It's already very happy to be nominated. If you don't receive an award, it's an affirmation of your brother."

"Yes, nomination means victory."

Yan Qingchi looked at his fans just like him, expecting but cautious, and could not help but once again persuade him to be calm, calm, and calm. .

However, he can still calm down here. Netizens on forums and Weibo are not calm anymore, and fans of actors and actresses in the same period are not calm.

"Am I blind? Fu Minzhi? Why is Yan Qingchi?"

"It's probably because of Meng Luo, who just nominated the best newcomer for the Golden Guild Award."

"Isn't Meng Luo set up? It's all going to burst."

"The typical upstairs can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. I think Yan Qingchi is acting very well. Director Fu said before this drama that he wanted to use new people. Although Yan Qingchi has acted The drama is still

relatively young, and he is considered a newcomer, and his acting skills are good, so why can't I find him." "The most ridiculous thing is that someone said before that Yanqingchi and Nancheng had fallen out, Nancheng Xuezang him, Xuezang??? Is there a snow Tibetan who can give directly to Fu Minzhi's new drama hero? Please hide my brother like that!"

"Hahaha, this is the so-called black bar. At that time, all kinds of ridicules were made every day. Now,

let's slap my face." The guy who eats the melon laughed loudly, and the fans reposted the lottery to celebrate Yanqingchi's double happiness. Fan gritted his teeth, but there was no way.

The entertainment circle at the end of the year is always very lively. Although Yanqingchi did not participate in any activities this year, the success of "Lost" and "Mianmian" made him the darling of various festivals at the end of the year. Yan Qingchi rejected most of the invitations for the event, leaving only the Golden Gui Award, the Golden Camel award ceremony, and the seal surprise ceremony. The former is related to "Lost" and the latter two are related to "Mian Mian".

Jiang Mochen attended the Golden Guild Awards together with him. Because they are in the same crew, it is rare for them to walk the red carpet together. Jiang Mochen has high luxury endorsements. In this case, the spokesperson provides clothes. He asked Wu Yuan to borrow an extra set according to Yan Qingchi's size. The requirements are only four words: good-looking and matching.

Of course, Takehara will not only consider the point of looking good. Red carpet clothing has always been the focus of netizens. Although the clothes of male celebrities do not have as many styles and tricks as female celebrities, no matter whether they are male or female, Even the celebrities can't escape the contrast of dresses on the red carpet.

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