Part 17: I'm Innocent

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 Because it was the first time to bring Chess to Yan's house, when Yan Qingchi was in the car, he asked Qiqi to face the photo on the phone and recognized the person. Jiang Mochen worried about the family banquet when the two married before. The scene was too boring, so Qiqi was not allowed to go. Therefore, this time, it was actually the first time Qiqi met the Yan family's parents.

Chess was very obedient and recognized people according to the photos. When he got out of the cart, he saw Father Yan and Mother Yan, Chess whispered and shouted, "Grandpa and Grandma."

Yan Qingxi heard his voice and immediately He came up and asked, "What about me?"

Chess whispered: "Auntie."

Yan Qingxi saw that he was small and soft, looking like a little glutinous rice ball, and couldn't help but want to squeeze him. I stretched out, and thought that in the WeChat group before, Yan Qingchi said that the child was a little afraid of birth, so he changed his posture for life, gave a thumbs up, and boasted: "Awesome."

Yan Qingchi was almost like her. The blunt turn made me laugh, but fortunately, I couldn't see the Chess, and smiled shyly.

Because the two of them were after dinner, the father and mother Yan only prepared some snacks and fruits. Mother Yan was holding Chess, while chatting with Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen about their married life, while playing chess and chess. Talking.

Yan Qingchi replied very cooperatively.

Jiang Mochen sat beside him and spoke with him.

Sitting on the other side, Yan Qingxi looked at the family of three with her cheeks supported, and suddenly felt that in fact, this picture was also good, at least it looked very eye-catching. However, she is still a little worried about her brother, can a marriage without love really be happy? Jiang Mochen is backed by the Jiang family. He is also a man of the world. He can afford to lose. He doesn't care, but what about his brother? If in the future, the two of them break up and divorce, then what should he do?

She was a little worried, but these worries had no effect except to make everyone unpleasant, so Yan Qingxi didn't say anything, just hope that the picture in front of her is true, her brother and Jiang Mochen get along happily and are getting along with each other day by day. In the middle, I slowly feel each other's strengths, know each other and love each other-of course, the premise is that her brother can restrain his temper like recently, and maintain his current calmness and understanding.

After dinner, Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen also left with Chess. They sent the Chess back home first, and then rushed to the place that Jiang Mochen had agreed with his friends.

Forgive is a bar where Jiang Mochen and his party often gather. It has the best wine, the most beautiful singing, the most lively music, and the most exciting dance. At the same time, it also has the quietest private room and the most complete game facilities. What you want, This can be met to the greatest extent, including safety**.

Jiang Mochen swiped the card and walked in with Yan Qingchi. However, as soon as the two people walked, they saw one person running towards this side. Yan Qingchi habitually avoided and gave way to the other party. Unexpectedly, the other party braked abruptly after running past him, and even looked back at him, then hugged his arm and leaned on him.

Yan Qingchi watched the people in his arms as if running through the clouds and flowing water to complete this series of actions. He was almost confused. He pulled hard, and found that the other person was holding a firm hold. Yan Qingchi was about to ask him. Dude, are you drunk?

I heard the koala in his arms shouting: "It's him, and the person I like is him."

There is no need to ask Yan Qingchi, this is definitely the kind of drunk or drunk.

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