Part 180

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Yan Qingchi steamed rice and fried some dishes while waiting for Jiang Mochen to return home. Jiang Mochen dropped in to pick up the chess and left school. When Qiqi saw him coming back, he was very happy to hug him, nestled in his arms and told him about his recent school affairs. He also said that he could paint in the class two days ago. First place.

As Chess spoke, he opened his schoolbag and took out the painting and handed it to Jiang Mochen. He painted puppies playing with each other in the sun. Although the paintings are still immature, they are better than childlike innocence. Jiang Mochen looked at the painting and felt that from the perspective of painting alone, although chess and chess were not made by them, they were unexpectedly like Yan Qingchi. He thought this might be the so-called fate.

"Chess is awesome." He boasted and added, "Like your father."

Chess smiled with his eyes bent, and asked softly, "Can I have a puppy?"

"Chess" Chess wants to raise a dog?"

Chess nodded, "Dogs are cute, can they be raised?"

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, "It's okay , but not yet."

Chess blinked his eyes and looked at him with some confusion.

Jiang Mochen explained to him: "Now the inkstone is still small and needs family care, so if you have a dog, you may not be able to take care of it. Moreover, our family lives upstairs and the space is not very large. , In case you like big dogs, then it is not very convenient. When you move in the future, can you raise a dog at that time?"

Qiqi nodded, "Yes." He just simply wants to raise a dog. It's enough if you can raise it. As for now or later, chess doesn't care that much.

Jiang Mochen touched his head, "You can first see what kind of dog you like in chess, and wait until your father takes you to pick it."

"Yeah." When

Jiang Mochen and chess went back, Yan Qingchi happened to have the last one. The dishes are fried out of the pot.

Chess leaped over and said to him, "Dad, I am the number one in the painting competition in our class."

"Really?" Yan Qingchi said in surprise, "Chess is so powerful, wait until tomorrow Dad will celebrate for you."

"How to celebrate?" Qiqi asked him.

"How do you want to celebrate?"

Chess thought for a while, and said honestly: "I want to go out and play, let's go to the playground."

"Okay." Yan Qingchi touched his hair, "What are you drawing? Let my dad see."

Chess found his own painting, handed it to Yan Qingchi, and whispered to him, "I just told my father, and he said, in the future, I can raise a dog. "

Yan Qingchi looked at his painting, it was the puppies fighting each other, he nodded, "Okay, let you pick a puppy you like at that time."

"I like white, The little one, I want to call it Snowball."

"You even

figured out your name." "I just thought about it on the rook ." Qiqi said joyfully.

Seeing that the two of them were talking about raising a dog, Jiang Mochen went upstairs and changed his house clothes, then went to see the inkstone. Yanyan was playing with Aunt Zhang. Although Aunt Zhang didn't know that Yanyan was the biological child of Jiang Mochen and Yanqingchi, she had been taking care of Jiang Mochen when she grew up, and later took care of chess and chess, so she has a lot of affection for Jiang's children. .

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