Part 27: The Bet

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 Early the next morning, Guan Mei appeared in front of Yan Qingchi and picked him up to the audition spot. There were three people who auditioned this time, all recommended by acquaintances of Director Wang. Yan Qingchi ranked third. This ranking is not very good. If one of the first two performed very well, then Yan Qingchi basically Shanghai is about to be eliminated.

Yan Qingchi looked up at his competitor. It was okay if he didn't look at it. It was really shocked at first sight. Why was Wei Lan here? !

Guan Mei followed his gaze and looked at him, "Why, do you know each other?"

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, " Sure ."

"Sure ?" Yan Qingchi was thinking how to answer her, and saw Wei Lan turning back. , I saw him all at once.

"Oh, you come to audition too." Wei Lan said as she walked towards him.

Yan Qingchi could only answer helplessly, "Yes."

"Recommended by Jiang Mochen?"


"Hey," Wei Lan grabbed his neck and approached him, whispering, "You really are with Jiang Mochen. Married?"

Yan Qingchi remembered that he had only said that he was married, but did not say who it was, so, "How do you know it was Jiang Mochen?"

"Jiang Mochen himself and my brother said it. Otherwise, I would kill me. Can't believe that Jiang Mochen will be with you? Is he blind? Or is he just looking at his face?"

Yan Qingchi helplessly, "Is it all right for you to belittle the person in front of the person?"

"Isn't I telling the truth ?" Wei Lan looked at him, "Otherwise, where do you think you match Jiang Mochen? Family background? Talent? Or personality? You also match his face more closely ." Yan Qingchi thought for a while and said seriously: "I think I am talented. The personalities are also pretty good."

"The decathlon talent and the secretive personality?"

"The old saying goes, the wood show and the forest wind will destroy it. You may not believe it, I just suppressed it intentionally."

Wei Lan looked unbelievable, "Oh, then the opportunity to show your self is here. Don't suppress it."

Yan Qingchi did not speak when he heard this.

Wei Lan shook her head and twitched her tongue. "I thought I might not be able to try it. Now, after looking at you, I think I might be the best."

"That's not necessarily true." "Okay, let's fight ." A bet, if you succeed in the audition, I will delete the previous prejudice against you with one click and admit that you have extraordinary talents and good character. But if you don't, I succeeded, then," Wei Lan looked at him. "You just accompany me to have a meal with my brother."

Yan Qingchi: "...I just told you secretly that your one time was not good, you don't need to kill it like this."

"My brother is now in serious business. People, what are you afraid of."

"Now?" Yan Qingchi emphasized.

Wei Lan smiled, "Don't worry, Jiang Mochen will support you, he won't move you."

Yan Qingchi couldn't understand why he wandered into the muddy water of the Wei brothers. He was about to speak and saw Wei Lan took out her phone and tilted her head to take a group photo of them.

"What are you doing?"

"It's rare to see each other, take a group photo for a souvenir."

"It's not that simple." As soon as he said this, someone called Wei Lan and said it was his turn. Wei Lan immediately picked up the phone In his back pocket, "bye bye, wait for me to pick you up for dinner."

Yan Qingchi raised his forehead and rolled quickly.

It wasn't until Wei Lan left and Guan Mei watched him sit on the chair feebly before finally reminding him, "Do you know that Jiang Mochen is the boss behind Nancheng."

" Yes ."

"So, even though I am your agent, there are some things I need to report to him."

"For example?"

"Wei Lan seems to be very courteous to you." Guan Mei said sternly: "Wei Lan was called in the circle. For the little prince of bumper cars, except for a few of his friends, he would ignore anyone who saw him. If anyone did not provoke him with his eyesight, he would go straight off the court. But he actually offered to eat with you and Wei Xun, you If you know who Wei Xun is, then you should also know Wei Xun's status in the Wei family. Even some of Wei Lan's friends have never seen Wei Xun."


"So, even if one day President Jiang is headed Maybe a tens of thousands of horses and a grassland, I don't want it to be when I take you."

Yan Qingchi, "...I think you think a little bit."

"I hope so." Guan Mei smiled.

Yan Qingchi was a little bit dumbfounded. Are all the girls so sensitive? He shook his head and sent a WeChat message to Jiang Mochen: I met Wei Lan, and he came to audition, and also said a few words to me, it seemed that he was going to continue to anger his brother with me. Guan Mei was frightened and worried that I would turn you into a grassland, so I told you in advance.

Jiang Mochen: ...I got it.

Yan Qingchi raised his phone at Guan Mei, "Look, I said you think a little too much."

Guan Mei didn't look at his mobile phone, but was surprised by the efficiency of his work. This artist is a bit unusual...

Seeing Guan Mei stopped talking, Yan Qingchi planned to close his eyes for a while.

As a result, as soon as I closed my eyes, the phone rang again, and Yan Qingchi turned on, and I saw that it was from Jiang Mochen: Come on audition.

Yan Qingchi smiled, returned him a hum, and then received the phone.

On the other side, Jiang Mochen watched the little raccoon spit out a pink love bubble on the phone, and there were three bright pink characters jumping beside him-Memeda. With a "bang", Jiang Mochen quickly buckled the phone on the desktop. He now deeply feels that his marriage partner likes him, not only likes him, but also likes to tease him! Everyone is a man. Why can't you work well? fall!

After a while, Wei Lan finally reappeared in front of Yan Qingchi. His complexion was still calm, and he seemed to have no sadness or joy, "Go, it's your turn." He said.

Yan Qingchi said thank you, didn't ask much, walked out of the room, knocked on the door next door, and walked in.

There were only three chief examiners for this interview, Director Wang, Deputy Director Zhang, and Screenwriter Liu. Yan Qingchi walked in, and the makeup artist took him to try his makeup first, because the character in the play was originally a college student, and Yan Qingchi was just graduating from college, so he simply drew two strokes and took him Mingyan pressed her down, adding a sense of purity.

The screenwriter gave him a brief description-Meng Luo met the police downstairs. The police questioned him because of his father's death. Meng Luo answered quietly and politely. Then he went home. He entered the door, walked into his bedroom, then opened the window, and saw the police interrogating others downstairs. Meng Luo's face was very calm, and he even looked at him indifferently while holding his chin on. , And then he closed the window, but slowly smiled when he lowered his head.

This performance is actually not difficult. What's difficult is that Meng Luo's identity is not only an ordinary college student, the victim's son, and the ultimate murderer of the entire case. Liu Meng hoped that he could not only show Meng Luo's quietness and restraint in front of others, but also pave the way for the final reversal to expose him as a murderer.

Yan Qingchi nodded, but the scene was really peaceful, even lacking explosive display. The only contrast was the last smile. Yan Qingchi listened to the screenwriter speaking to him, and slowly got an idea in his heart.

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