Part 44

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Yan Qingchi was a little surprised, got out of bed and went out, opened the door of the room, and saw Jiang Mochen standing outside the door.

He gave way, and Jiang Mochen walked in.

"Are you really here?" Yan Qingchi said in disgust.

When Jiang Mochen listened, he felt quite uneasy, "Your dislike is really going to overflow."

"Is it so obvious? I will control it next time."

Jiang Mochen sighed, "Yan Qingchi, I came to see you. It's business."

Yan Qingchi leaned back on the wall, "you said."

"I didn't tell you clearly about the matter about my going to see Yuan Mingxu today, and even told you a lame lie. I apologize, this is my fault. But later Yuan Mingxu sent Weibo @我, and the series of hot search on the marketing account, I don't know. I didn't go to Weibo today, so I didn't see , When I found out and asked the agent to remove the hot search and ask the marketing account to delete the Weibo, it was already a little late. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. If I acquiesced or cooperated with him to hype, I would ask him @我后posted and commented on him, instead of letting him sing a one-man show alone."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "That's it?"

"Do you know what happened between me and Yuan Mingxu?"

Yan Qingchi nodded. "I see."

"I don't care what others say to you, but one thing I want to tell you is that between me and him, there has not been any over-ruling behavior, and no relationship has been established. I have hinted at him. , But he did not respond. We have always been friends with each other."

Yan Qingchi said, "Yes," indicating that we know.

"Yuan Mingxu was not popular before, so it tied me to several hot searches and posted drafts. I agreed at that time. This made the latter two teams get used to it. His team used to bind me. My team opened one eye and closed one eye, so today's hot search will only be withdrawn after I find it. But it won't be in the future. Apart from you, I will not have double hot searches with others."


"What else do you want to know?" Jiang Mochen asked him.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, "Why didn't you tell the truth that day?"

"Because I didn't know how to tell you about Yuan Mingxu and me, and didn't want to mention it at that time, so I thought about me anyway. I won't do anything I'm sorry for you, I'll finish silently, and I'll end silently. Unexpectedly, he told the world."

Yan Qingchi smiled, "If he didn't buy this hot search, have you never Tell me?"

"Yes." Jiang Mochen frankly, "because it is not necessary, this time I met with him, I just made it clear and told him not to come to me actively in the future. This will not affect me or both of us. , I don't want to cause any irritation with you for this."

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, "I can understand." He said, "But I don't like others to lie to me. To deceive this kind of thing, that would be a deceit. Jiang Mochen, I am not a person who likes to restrain others, and I don't like to be careless, so even that day, you told me about you and Yuan Mingxu and said you were going to see him, I won't stop you either. This is the first time, and I hope it's the last time."

Jiang Mochen looked at him and almost blurted out, telling Yan Qingchi that there was another reason why he didn't tell the truth. He didn't know. , He hopes Yan Qingchi will stop him or not stop him when he knows. Even until this time, he didn't know, so he didn't dare to ask him.

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