Part 56

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On October 15th, "Come on, friends! "Recording officially started. This time, the recording is in f city in f city. Yan Qingchi got off the plane with Guan Mei and He Fei. Just after getting off the plane, he heard someone calling his name. He looked up and saw that there were a dozen young girls who seemed to be still in school.

The weather in October is not cold in the south, so the shorts and skirts worn by the fans who come to pick up the airport look youthful and lively. The leading girl, wearing a high ponytail, saw them coming by and handed him the flower she was holding. Yan Qingchi took it and said thank you.

The girl said to him sweetly, "You're welcome. Brother, come on."

Yan Qingchi also smiled, "Okay." As

he was saying, the voices of "Kacha" and "Kacha" rang out, The girl who came to pick up the plane brought a SLR, and was facing him constantly taking pictures. Yan Qingchi also secretly observed Weibo and forums for a while, and knew that this kind of girl who took pictures of the SLR was called a "cannon" in the fan circle. "Sister", is responsible for taking pictures and retouching pictures of the celebrities he likes, and then posting them on Weibo to give feedback to other fans in the fan circle.

Just knowing that Gui knows, Yan Qingchi is still a little unaccustomed to being shot at him without warning. However, he was also someone who had seen the big scene before crossing, so he only smiled slightly, concealing his embarrassment, and walked to the exit with Guan Mei and the others.

There were not many girls who came to pick up the airport, only thirteen or four. Following him, some of them were more cheerful, so they took the initiative to talk to him, "Brother, are you the first time to come to F city?"

"Yes. "

"F city has a lot of delicious and fun, brother, you can go shopping after work."


These girls seem to know the rules of chasing stars, and they don't ask much, just talk to him casually. With some irrelevant words. When he got to the door, He Fei drove the nanny car for him. Yan Qingchi turned around and said to them: "Thank you."

"You are welcome, brother, work hard!"

"Okay." Yan Qingchi finished, got in the car, and closed. Closed the door.

He exhaled and sighed deeply, "Being a star is really not easy."

"There are only a few people, so it's not easy?" Guan Mei laughed at him.

Yan Qingchi asked her, "Why do I have fans pick up the plane? You hired? How do they know my flight?"

"You are too small for fans, they want to know, there are a hundred ways to know."

Yan Qingchi was a little worried, "Then I want to do this in the future? Or in the future, let's go through the VIP channel?"

Guan Mei squinted at him, "The beauty of thinking, if you become popular in the future, there will naturally be brands working with you. Looking for you to bring goods and go VIP? Do you think you earn too much, right?"

Yan Qingchi looked at her and affirmed: "Jiang Mochen must appreciate you."

"Oh?" Guan Mei asked.

"After all, you two share a common economic philosophy and are well versed in the

ways of exploitation." Guan Mei smiled and turned his head with a chuckle. Soon, but suddenly thinking of something, he looked back at Yan Qingchi, "Wait. How do you know that there is such an operation of hiring someone to pick up the

phone ?" Yan Qingchi shook his phone, "It was said in the forum."

Guan Mei had a headache, "I didn't tell you before, right? Then I will tell you now. , Quit forums, quit Weibo, if you have a small account on Weibo, give me your account password now."

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