Part 183

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Li Bozhong always seems to be very kind and kind, but when he enters the play, he seems to have changed his personality, putting Yan Ling's hope on his son because he failed to become a special soldier, and his father who is strict with his son is vivid. However, Li Bozhong himself is a father, so he will notice some details that the screenwriter did not notice.

He would pick up a cup of hot water for Yan Ling after training, and put it on the table. After Yan Ling fell asleep, he would push the door open to see if he was asleep. Even after he left, every day They all cleaned his house and helped him hang the quilt on the balcony. Such small details instantly showed Yan Jifeng's love for his son, and made this image more full.

It was the first time that Li Mo saw her father filming, and her eyes were straightened. Although she knew that her old father had acted in many scenes, she did not expect her old father to act so well. I thought it was a bronze, but I didn't expect to be a king. Li Mo looked at his father who was playing with Yan Qingchi on the field with enthusiasm. He felt that her old father was really unkind, and how could he hide so many little secrets. Didn't tell her, she still needs to dig layer by layer, does he think he is an onion!

Probably because of his father's presence, when Li Mo played against Yan Qingchi, he almost exerted 120% of his skill. She is young and beautiful, and she has the advantage. In addition, Peng Xiaoai's attitude towards Yanling is somewhat similar to her attitude towards Yanqingchi, so she basically only needs to grasp the goodness and add some tenderness to it. Let Peng Xiaoai's liveliness become noisy, that's it.

Yan Qingchi couldn't help but praise her for the first time she acted in such a good state of performance. Li Mo was very sincere and said, "That's because this role

is easy to play. If you turn it upside down and play the one you chase me, I'm probably going to panic." Yan Qingchi looked at her and carefully assessed Li Mo's future. Development, she looks good, she also knows to work hard and study in acting, she is the second generation of stars, although Li Bozhong has retired, but the contacts are still there, he wants to help Li Mo, he can always help of. Moreover, even though Li Mo had a straight temper, she knew she was patient and was willing to listen to him and Jiang Mochen. If Li Mo could sign Nancheng, it would be a good choice for her and Nancheng.

Seeing him staring at him unblinkingly, Li Mo took a step back in shock, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"Do you want to..."

"No, I don't want to!" Li Mo reflexively answered.

Yan Qingchi was dumbfounded, and Li Mo realized what he did stupid. "No, I'm just quick to talk, brother, what do you want to ask me, you say it again."

"I just want to ask you, do you have it? Signing an economic company, do you want to sign Nancheng?"

Li Mo pointed to himself, surprised: "Can I?"

Yan Qingchi nodded, "You are in good conditions."

"Of course I would!" Li Mo said happily , But she just finished getting excited, she remembered Li Bozhong's instructions, "Wait, I have to ask my dad. You don't know, my dad is very strict with me in this respect. When I applied for the art school, I Dad told me every day that this circle is a big dye tank. Let me be obedient and report everything to him. It's almost treating me as a child."

"Then I think you are quite obedient." Yan Qingchi said. .

Li Mo sighed, "What can I do, who made me the intimate little padded jacket?"

Yan Qingchi stretched out his hand and patted her, "Go on the little padded jacket, and ask your father if he agrees."

"Okay ." Brother, wait a while for me to come back and tell you." After Li Mo finished speaking, he ran away.

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