Part 191

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 "Yeah." Jiang Mochen replied, "It's just that my wedding is a big event for our family, so my parents should invite many business people. Don't mind."

"It's okay, it's normal." After all, According to the Jiang family's status in City X, Jiang Mochen's marriage is not only a major event for the Jiang family, but also a major event for the entire business district. Yan Qingchi never felt that their wedding would be a small wedding, let alone. Their wedding will only have relatives and friends of each other.

"There should not be many people here in our house," Yan Qingchi thought for a while. "Our family has few relatives and few friends, so there won't be too many people here. My mother seems to have arranged with your mother. "

Well, so we don't have to worry about these things."

"Then what else do we need to worry about?" Yan Qingchi asked him.

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, "Either we go and see our little flower girl?"

"If you don't tell me, I forgot." Yan Qingchi walked to the closet and opened the cabinet and took out two clothes. The little suit they were going to wear was ready and sent over. I put it away and said that I would give him a try when the chess came back from school, but when Wei Lan interrupted him, I forgot it and took it to the chess and inkstone for a try. Try."

Chess and inkstone were practicing flower-spreading in the living room, and Yan Qingxi was a teacher for them.

"Come on, you two go aside again. Inkstone, pay attention to your brother. Your brother starts to sow flowers, so you will follow."

Inkstone nodded, "Yeah."

Chess pulled him back to the original point, Yan Qingxi After playing the music, Chess and Inkstone carried the small basket and started to move forward. When they came to Yan Qingxi, Chess began to take out petals from the basket and spread them out.

Yan Yan looked at Yan Qingxi, raised his little hand without the basket, and waved at her joyfully.

Yan Qingxi looked at him with an open eyebrow and smiled, helplessly holding his little hand, "Baby, didn't you let you see your brother? Why wave to me again."

Chess laughed aside.

Yanyan turned to look at him, and then laughed with him.

"You are still laughing," Chess nodded his forehead, "You did something wrong again."

"Yes," Yan Yan retorted.


"Yes." Yanyan refused to admit it.

Chess bulged his cheeks and thought for a while, then pulled up the inkstone's hand, "Inkstone, listen to me, my brother will take you away for a while, and when my brother let go, you will learn from your brother to throw out the petals in the flower basket. , Okay?"

Yanyan nodded obediently, "Yeah."

"You promised quickly, and you have the courage to agree, and never repent." Yan Qingxi obviously already knows inkstone well, "Then come again."

Chess Chess pulled the inkstone and walked back, not forgetting to tell him, "Remember to spread the flowers."

"Send the flowers."

"Yes, spread the flowers."

Yan Qingxi put on the music, and the two started walking again. When he got to Yan Qingxi, Chess let go and reminded the inkstone in a low voice, "It's time to

spread flowers." "How to spread it?" The inkstone turned his head and asked him.

"This way." Chess grabbed a handful of petals and threw it out.

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