Part 104

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A little girl with a double ponytail and a red cloak saw it and walked over. She didn't like playing snowball fights, but wanted to make snowmen with others, so she stepped forward and asked, "Are you making snowmen?"

Yan Qingchi nodded.

The little girl asked timidly: "Then can I play with you?"

Yan Qingchi looked at the chess, and the chess pouted reluctantly.

Yan Qingchi smiled and said to the little girl: "No, we two plan to build a snowman by our own efforts, thank you for your help, but we have to do our own things, so let's do it ourselves first. A kind little girl." The

little girl pursed her lips and said softly, "Then call me if you need help, and I'll go and make one by myself."


Yan Qingchi saw her leaving. Then, he looked back at Chess and blinked at him.

Chess pursed his mouth, and said embarrassedly, "Dad, isn't it good for me to do this?" With

his little hands wearing gloves, he patted on the snowball, bowed his head, and blamed himself.

Yan Qingchi said softly: "No, everyone has their own thoughts. It's normal if you don't want her to play with us. Chess is happy."

Hearing his words, Qiqi was relieved. Come, explain: "Chess and chess have not been piled with dad yet, so I want to pile it with dad, no other people. When the next time, chess can be piled with the children."

Yan Qingchi "Yeah" He said, "Dad has never piled chess with chess, so Dad also wants to pile

chess with chess and build a snowman that belongs to the two of us." Chess smiled with his eyes bent, did not speak, and continued to pile snowmen.

After a lot of effort, the two people finally piled up the snowman. Yan Qingchi asked Chess to stand on the other side, took a selfie of him with Chess and the Snowman, and took a few separate photos of the Snowman. Then he took the phone and wondered if he would go back again, Jiang Mochen estimated. It was time to be anxious, so he took the chess and went home.

Chess was still a little reluctant to take the snowman, and asked him, "Can't you take it home?"

"No, the snowman is about to be transformed."

Chess looked back at the snowman behind him in three moves, reluctantly. Asked him, "Can I come down to see it in a while?"

"Yes, we will come down in a while."

"Yeah." Qiqi said cheerfully.

Jiang Mochen saw from the window upstairs that the two of them had had enough fun and were finally ready to go back to the house. He breathed a sigh of relief and went to the kitchen to continue learning to cook. It's really too worrying, he thought, before, I only had to worry about one, but now I have to worry about two, ah no, it's three, it's really a sweet burden.

The meal that night was cooked by Jiang Mochen. The meal was very simple, with preserved egg and lean meat porridge and steamed buns from Yanqingchi made by Yanmother.

In the kitchen, Jiang Mochen called Yan Qingchi in to try the taste, and said with a guilty conscience, "This is my first time cooking, so the cooking is relatively simple and the taste is average. Please bear with it."

Yan Qingchi looked at him. He took a spoon and took a spoonful of porridge, "I'll try it first."

Jiang Mochen was a little nervous for a moment, and kept staring at Yan Qingchi, "Alright... OK?"

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