Part 73

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"I can't sleep without changing my pajamas." Wei Lan looked at him, "You can't keep me up for activities that don't know what time."

Sun Xun saw this, so he could only let him go.

But Wei Lan watched him put on his coat and asked him, "Are you going out? What are you doing?" He sat up almost immediately, his eyes widened and said: "Yuan Mingxu is looking for you?"

Sun Xun looked at him. The excitement is not too big, and I feel a little tired, "It's not Yuan Mingxu, other things."

"What's the matter?"

"Sleep your sleep, Young Master, it has nothing to do with Yanqing Chi Yuan Mingxu, you don't have to worry about it."

"Then who did you go to private meeting at night?"

Sun Xun reluctantly, "Everyone who knows knows you as a male god in the entertainment industry, and those who don't know may think you are a paparazzi in the circle."

Wei Lan "hum". "Have you seen me such a handsome paparazzi?"

He lay down again after he said, "Go ahead, don't stop you from meeting your little lover, act lightly when you come back, don't disturb my sleep."

Sun Xun simply has no way to deal with his mouth. He can only change his rhetoric and want to wash away the stigma for Chen Xuanlang-although Wei Lan doesn't know that it is Chen Xuanlang that he wants to see, "It's not a little lover, I simply There is no little lover!"

"That's a mysterious big night to meet in the moonlight."

"It's a meeting in the corridor!" Sun Xun couldn't, and said the truth: "It's with Chen Xuanlang. Let's check the process. Let's see how we can add a little bit of laughter to the show tomorrow."

Wei Lan was a little disappointed when he heard that Chen Xuanlang was with Chen Xuanlang, but he had a good impression of Chen Xuanlang, so he didn't stop and waved his hand. Go to Captain, don't make Team Chen wait in a hurry, remember to take a lighter pace when you come back."

Sun Xun: ...Isn't it because you have been here to ask questions about not letting me go!

When Sun Xun reached the top of the stairs, Chen Xuanlang had already arrived. Under the dim light, he leaned on the handrail of the stairs. He finally stood up straight when he saw Sun Xun walking towards this side.

The two followed the stairs to the second floor. The lights on the second floor lit up and there was silence. Chen Xuanlang leaned on the handrail of the stairs again. "Just here, no one should be able to hear it."

"Well," Sun Xun leaned back, leaned against the wall, and asked him, "What's wrong, what's the matter? Do you want to talk to me about tomorrow's process?"

"No." Chen Xuanlang looked at him, "I have something to ask you. "

What's the matter?"

Chen Xuanlang thought for a while, still didn't like to lay a lot of mess, so he asked directly, "Did Yan Qingchi tell you? Ruan Wenxuan doesn't like you."

Sun Xun thought it was something. It turned out to be this, "Say, what's the matter?"

"He told me that Ruan Wenxuan doesn't like me either. I'm afraid I would think too much, so I asked you."

Sun Xun was surprised when he heard that, Ruan Wenxuan didn't like him. He could guess that for the only few free teams, Ruan Wenxuan chose Chen Xuanlang instead of him. He always thought that Ruan Wenxuan was more pleasing to Chen Xuanlang, but he didn't expect it to be unpleasant.

"Do you believe in Yan Qingchi?" Chen Xuanlang asked him.

Sun Xun nodded, "He won't lie to you." He thought for a while and added, "Ruan Wenxuan and Yan Qingchi were drunk before, and said something that shouldn't be said, saying that he didn't like you. This is probably what I said after getting drunk, Yan Qingchi should also be with you this time, so I remind you. He will not lie to you, there is no need."

Chen Xuanlang nodded, "Me too I don't think he should be this kind of person, just to be cautious, so I asked you about it."

"I understand."

Chen Xuanlang sighed and said nothing.

Sun Xun guessed that he was probably because of Ruan Wenxuan's affairs, so he persuaded, "Don't be uncomfortable. There are so many things in this kind of face-to-face set behind the set. Anyway, everyone is together when the show is being recorded. Don't take him seriously."

Chen Xuanlang nodded, "I know."

"Okay," he said, "I have nothing else to do. I just want to ask you this. Let's go and go to sleep."

"Are you tired recently?" Sun Xun asked him.

"It can be seen?"

"It's quite obvious."

Chen Xuanlang smiled bitterly, "

Something has happened recently, it's a bit troublesome." "What is it? Tell me, I'll see if I can help you."

Chen Xuanlang looked at it. He, he knew that Sun Xun and Jiang Mochen had a good relationship, and some wanted to ask him about Nancheng, but he swallowed it again. It is true that he has been a little unhappy with his agent recently, but it is also a person who found himself and brought him into the circle. If possible, Chen Xuanlang still does not want to leave the agency that he signs with now.

Wait a minute, he thought. So, he shook his head, "I'll tell you another day, thank you."

Sun Xun didn't ask much when he saw this, just said, "That's fine, don't let yourself be too pressured."

Chen Xuan Lang smiled, "Okay." When

Chen Xuanlang returned, Yan Qingchi was still up.

He was going to sleep, but not long after he lay in the bed, he saw Chen Xuanlang going out in his clothes. Yan Qingchi knew that he had always slept shallowly, so he would have to wake up again after Chen Xuanlang came back. , Simply did not sleep, waiting for him to come back to sleep. He guessed that Chen Xuanlang would not go out for a long time, and sure enough, he returned soon.

"I'm back." Yan Qing said by the side of the pond, putting the phone away, ready to go to bed.

What he said was so natural that Chen Xuanlang was taken aback for a while, and there was an illusion of going home in a trance.

Inside the small room, the lights were still on, and the people in the family were still waiting for him. Seeing him come back, he said softly, "I'm back."

Chen Xuanlang suddenly felt homesick and followed him. After that, there is some indescribable guilt.

Because he doubted Yan Qingchi, he went out to find Sun Xun for the answer, but Yan Qingchi was waiting for him to come back without even sleeping.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

Yan Qingchi said, afraid that he would be embarrassed by telling the truth, "You said there must be arrangements for the program group, I just wanted to go to bed later, maybe I can wait until they give instructions. At that time, we can also toss a little less."

Chen Xuanlang only felt more guilty when he heard it. He would still believe in what Yan Qingchi said, but Yan Qingchi believed in what he said. I seem to be saving the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

In fact, he didn't need to be so guilty. After all, in this circle, he himself had seen too much filth, and he must not be harmful, and he must be defensive. His behavior is really normal. It's just that Chen Xuanlang himself is a softhearted person, plus the trance at the moment of opening the door, this makes this guilt that doesn't need to take root and grows in the wind.

Chen Xuanlang sat down on his bed and said warmly, "Go to sleep, don't wait for the show crew, who knows when they will be demon."

Yan Qingchi was ready to sleep, so he nodded, "Okay.

" Yan Qingchi." Chen Xuanlang looked at him.


Chen Xuanlang wanted to say thank you for today's affairs, but he felt that he had gone out. After returning, he advanced the incident inexplicably, and said thank you. Some of them have no silver or three hundred taels.

So I temporarily turned to another topic, "You belong to Nancheng, right?"


"Is Nancheng good to the artists?"

Yan Qingchi felt refreshed. What did Chen Xuanlang ask about? Want to quit? That's a good thing!

"Very good, you can see that I know."

Chen Xuanlang was originally just to change the subject, but now that Nancheng was mentioned, he was a little curious, so he couldn't help but chat with Yan Qingchi.

"You are the one who signed to control the coins, right? Does the control control you much?"

"Alright, not a lot."

"Will you take care of your private life?"

Yan Qingchi shook his head, "This is not true .

" Your debut was "Lost" that Jiang Mochen escorted you on. Will Nancheng require popular artists to bring newcomers?"

Yan Qingchi was a little awkward with the words escort and couldn't help but explain, "No," "Lost" was auditioned by myself. I also dropped Wei Lan for this reason. Jiang Mochen recommended me to audition, but that's only the case. Nancheng doesn't have such a requirement to bring new people."

"It's not that Jiang Mochen will lead you ." On?" Chen Xuanlang was a little surprised, "I met Yuan Mingxu at the event two days ago and knew that he was going to record "Come on!", so I chatted with him about some program-related matters and also chatted. It's about you. Yuan Mingxu said that he knows you. Jiang Mochen took you on "Lost" and helped you make your debut. Saying that you are lucky, you don't need to work hard. As the first brother of Nancheng, Jiang Mochen needs to bring Newcomer, so I took you all the way, "Come on!" was recommended by Jiang Mochen, and Wei Lan's idol drama was also he helped you fight for it. It sounds like you are envious of you."

Yan Qingchi heard this, simply My eyes widened, really amazing, Yuan Mingxu! Talking to people, talking nonsense to people! In the face of Chen Xuanlang, who has become popular now, but relying on his own model workers all the way back then, he was lucky enough to rely on a work to become popular, and then Chen Xuanlang, who dominated the screen for a year, first said that Jiang Mochen was the first brother of Nancheng I need to bring newcomers, so I have to bring myself. I also said that I rely on Jiang Mochen's recommendation and don't need to work hard. This is killing two birds with one stone. It can not only make popular artists like Chen Xuanlang feel dissatisfied with the forced introduction of newcomers and have pity for Jiang Mochen, but also make Chen Xuanlang, a high-ranking person like Chen Xuanlang, treat himself to someone who can easily have good resources without effort. Disgust. It's really amazing. You know the art of speaking. It would be a shame not to use it to publish articles and speeches!

Yan Qingchi snorted, "Listen to his nonsense! I went to audition for "Lost" although Jiang Mochen recommended it, but if I failed the audition, Jiang Mochen would not help me. Besides, Wei Lan was also there at the time. Among the auditioning staff, if there is a shady scene, he should be the first to jump out and bomb me. As for "Come on!", my agent and director know me, so I got the news first, and I compare my skills Agile, Guan Mei felt that I was more suitable for this variety show, so he helped me take it. "Mian Mian" is also Guan Mei, and Guan Mei is my agent. Of course, I have to help me choose good resources as much as possible, otherwise, why not? Do you want to give it to others?"

Chen Xuanlang seemed a little angry when he saw him, and said quickly, "Don't be angry, I just listened to him say that, but I think you are quite capable, so I don't think so.

" So you believe it?"

Chen Xuanlang was a little embarrassed, "He is not Jiang Mochen's friend, so I just..."

"It's not anymore." Yan Qingchi opened it without hesitation.

"Huh?" Chen Xuanlang was shocked.

"Plastic friendship is not worth mentioning." Yan Qingchi continued to retaliate.

"It's not like it."

"Really, I don't believe that you will see Yuan Mingxu tomorrow. Tell him, let him call Jiang Mochen a friend on Weibo. Will Jiang Mochen dare to respond?"

"I listen to your tone and feel you seem very familiar and Jiang Chen silent. "

Yan Qingchi thought," than he cooked anyway. " "

but before the two of them is not it? " "

you said before ah. " "

that's not how suddenly see Is it?"

"Probably Yuan Mingxu did something shameful."


"Otherwise, why would Jiang Mochen break up with him in a good manner."

Chen Xuanlang felt that the amount of information he received tonight was a bit large, "Or, let me ask Sun Xun, whether Sun Xun has a better relationship with Jiang Mochen, he should know."

Yan Qingchi nodded, "Yeah."

Chen Xuanlang looked at him, lowered his voice, and said with great loyalty: "When I have finished asking, I will tell you later, but you have to keep it secret and don't tell others."

Yan Qingchi: "...Okay."

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