Part 163

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 Jiang Mochen knew that Li Bo Zhong Xiying had been filming for so long. This time he came to record the variety show purely for this daughter. In addition, Li Mo had been calling him and Yan Qingchi shortly by his eldest brother, so he couldn't help reminding her, "Little Mo, Why did your dad tell you?"

Li Mo immediately thought that her dad had said to her eight hundred times before she came to let her temper the princess' temper. Don't just say what you think, don't lose your temper, so he covered it. Mouth, Chongjiang Mochen nodded.

Mo Xiaoxiao heard that Yan Qingchi and the boss were chatting, and said to Zhang Ningwei in surprise, "Brother Yan's English is quite good. I always thought that the best English in our team was Brother Jiang. It seems that they both English is very good."

Zhang Ningwei nodded, "I am envious." She said.

Mo Xiaoxiao was also very envious, "He is really a decathlon."

Mo Xiaoxiao didn't say, Jiang Mochen didn't think much, but when she said that, Jiang Mochen reacted. The information he read before, Yan Qingchi's English Neither is very good at math, why do you speak English so fluently now? Although Jiang Mochen acquiesced that the information was unreliable in his heart, this did not prevent him from being surprised every time he saw Yan Qingchi's performance and the information discrepancy.

He admits that Yan Qingchi is very good and knows a lot, but because he is too good, Jiang Mochen has a sense of disobedience. How did he learn so many skills, and why did he use them in his previous life? The skills are so well hidden that the information he investigated is useless at all, but has a misleading effect. Why is this?

But Jiang Mochen has never been entangled with these issues. He had discovered many problems a long time ago--when they hadn't been as connected as they are now. But he didn't ask, he wanted to wait for Yan Qingchi to tell him, or wait for them to have become old husbands and old wives, and talk about it when they inadvertently teased.

So now, he just raised this doubt again, but didn't intend to ask him, everyone has their own secrets, just like Yan Qingchi never asked him why they have been married for so long and they have feelings, but he still He didn't receive his own wedding ring; he would not ask Yan Qingchi why there is such a big gap between the current you and the former you in the information.

They respect each other and trust each other. They have enough confidence in themselves and are willing to give each other the same confidence. Therefore, they will not question this relationship, nor will they question the other person's personality, because everyone's daily behavior cannot be faked. They look at each other's every move and feel that the other person's love and affection for themselves Cherish.

A group of people followed the boss into the bar. The boss took them to sit on the chairs. He went to the front desk and called the buddies to greet them. He and Yan Qingchi said that they had to see other people painting, so they stopped calling them. Let them drink whatever they want, all for free. After he finished speaking, he left happily.

The waiter at the bar handed them the menu and asked them what kind of wine they needed. Several people ordered the wine according to their preferences, and they were talking while observing the decoration of the bar.

The beer was delivered soon. Everyone tasted it. Zhang Ningwei and Yue Ziming were a little uncomfortable with drinking, but others generally liked it very much.

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen whispered, "It's pretty good."

"If we like, we can buy some and take it away."

" We'd better not buy it for now. The two days of the game might cost money. "

Well, after the game is over, see if there is any surplus."

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