Part 112

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 Yan Qingchi feels that he is really one of the top two recently. Since the Yuan Mingxu Zhou Qiang incident, Jiang Mochen's tension on him has instantly increased eightfold. The specific manifestation is that he is assigned a driver to let him go wherever he goes. Everywhere, remember to let the driver follow, and the nickname is to drive him, but Yan Qingchi looked at the muscles of the other person and knew where the driver was. He was clearly a bodyguard!

What can Yan Qingchi do? Yan Qingchi listened to Jiang Mochen's cautious wording, wishing to revise a sentence eight times before uttering it. He could only nod his head and said, OK, OK, the driver is the driver, and you are happy.

Immediately afterwards, he received a call from his mother, saying that he would come and see him, but Yan Qingchi naturally did not refuse. However, Yan Mu's look at him was not just a simple glance, she was taken care of Yan Qingchi for three days. While telling him that eating this is good for the child, he told him that you can't touch these, sleep more and surf the Internet less, and after that, I gave Yan Qingchi a net.

Yan Qingchi: ...... Even girls who are pregnant are not as squeamish as I am?

As soon as Mother Yan left here, Mother Jiang's mother over there was also coming when she heard the news, and she plausibly said, "Xiaochi, everyone is a mother. You can't just let your mother go and not let me go, then Your family should think that our family doesn't value you anymore."

Yan Qingchi said no, and our family thought that your family was pretty good, but he just said it in his heart, and he had to smile and ask her." When will you come, mom?"

Mother Jiang hung up and came, asking him about the recent situation, and asked the driver to give it to others and buy it by himself. In short, a lot of supplements were brought in by Yan Qingchi.

When the driver finished the transportation, Yan Qingchi looked at the bird's nest, abalone and ginseng in front of him, with an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, in the next second, Jiang's mother's words confirmed his thoughts, "Xiaochi, this bird's nest was given to me by someone else. It is a good choice, very tonic, and good for the baby. Eat more."

Yan Qingchi nodded.

"I heard from my friend that his son's daughter-in-law ate abalone during the early pregnancy period. The baby born was clever and cute. I bought some for you, but you can't eat more of this. You can eat according to the order I gave you later. Ah."

Yan Qingchi continued to nod.

"Ginseng is also a good thing. My friend is a doctor. She said that if pregnant women eat some ginseng before pregnancy, it can improve immunity and prevent colds. The weather has been so dry recently, and it does not rain or snow. If you catch a cold, If you can't take medicine, you should take some ginseng to prevent it."

Yan Qingchi said, I think my physique is pretty good, and I should not catch a cold so easily, but he can only nod mechanically.

So Jiang's mother introduced other things that she had brought. After listening to Yanqingchi, she felt that Jiang's mother should be well-connected. There were quite a lot of friends. Every friend recommended one thing to her. It was clearly arranged.

That night, when Jiang Mochen went home, he saw his mother cooking soup and his daughter-in-law in the bedroom listening to music with her eyes closed.

Jiang Mochen was still a little surprised by this. His mother was busy with business when he was young, thinking how women in the new century can be restrained by the stove, so they rarely go to the kitchen. When his sister took over the company later, his mother felt that both her face and hands needed maintenance at her age. Coupled with the fact that she had an aunt who specializes in cooking at home, she would not be able to cook.

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